
More costumey goodness
Monday, April 3, 2006

I'm on a costume posting kick cause I never post these in an appropriate timeframe. I made this costume way back in August of last year and wore it a couple times.

Me and my guy having a little fun. No he's not Mal. He's another browncoat that knows Mal and Zoƫ. Did the CG stuff in photoshop and accidently turned it into a comic color type thing. Ended up liking it and making the rest around the colors. That's also the first holster. I remade it in January cause Alan and Summer were in town. :)

Now this....

Is my friend Dash. He's such a cute Mal isn't he? I had to make him a CG too. Made this one a few months after that other one there. They share the same BG and fonts for continuity. He isn't my normal Mal, that would be Chris. But I really like cosplaying with Dash too. he's a lot of fun and did I mention so gosh darn cute?

Kayna, yeah I think that was red eye reducer in that photo from before. Heh, we DO look all posessed.

2x2, thank you. Yeah, well spotted there. I'm 6'0". I don't even notice until I'm standing next to folk in pictures. You just don't really see it looking out your own eyes.


Monday, April 3, 2006 3:34 AM


Wow, you're so gorgeous (as is your boyfriend) and talented, too. Life just isn't fair....Dash makes a mighty fine Mal - give him 10-years & he could be Nathan's double. Too bad I'll always be 10 yrs. older than him (sigh). :)

You could be Gina's double right now - warrior chic attitude & all... :)

On March 31 there was a log entry from Washburnefan asking everyone where he might purchase a brown leather coat. He had very few responses, & those not very helpful at that. Bet he'd just love to hear from ya!

Happy Monday, hope you've recovered from the time change!!


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