
guuuhhhh....long movie
Monday, April 3, 2006

Once again, here I am to actually *wince* socialize. or something like it. Anyhoo, I just watched King Kong for the first time. All 183 minutes of it. IMO, I think they added too much in. All that stuff with the bugs and sluggy-things down in the ravine, and then in New York on the ice in ?Central Park? Cute, but not exactly necessary. And for some reason, I thought the Empire State building looked like Big Ben, and Kong looked like my dog. You heard me right, my dog . For those of you who care, I'm about half way through chapter 1 of Pirates of the 23rd Century. It is very, very, long. I'm not too pleased with the title at the moment, so I'm open to suggestions. And, for all the world to hear, I'm saying GO TO HELL, DAYLIGHT SAVINGS!!!!! THE SPECIAL HELL!!!!! Now that that's out of my system, I believe I need to *falls asleep*


Tuesday, April 4, 2006 11:49 AM


I am sorry you must suffer the affliction of DST. Luckily I live in Az and don't have to mess with it. :)
But I do have a hard time remembering who is up when and where. Pain in the bum for my bro up in MT. :(

Tuesday, April 4, 2006 11:49 AM


I am sorry you must suffer the affliction of DST. Luckily I live in Az and don't have to mess with it. :)
But I do have a hard time remembering who is up when and where. Pain in the bum for my bro up in MT. :(

Monday, April 3, 2006 5:58 PM


So, "Pirates" is a background story for the 'Verse? Cuz Firefly is set in the first half of the 26th century (just stating the obvious if you have seen the Fox broadcasts). Sounds like an interesting read;)

And yeah....get some rest. Adapting to DST is always fun....hard being out at 7PM and it's still light out...



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