
Fun Visiting the NC Browncoats
Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Last weekend, a contingent of Browncoats descended on the North Carolina Renaissance Festival, where my band was performing, and afterwards a Browncoat named Christie was kind enough to give us a ride to Carraba's, where we met up with yet a few more Flans for some great food and even better conversation.

I realized while there that part of what I love about meeting Browncoats is not simply that they love Firefly. They're into all kinds of interesting stuff--they're smart, engaging conversationalists. I'm terrible with names, but Christie, CallMeSerenity, JadeHand, and Jennifer (the custodian of the Sacred Saint Christopher Medallion of Jayne, good for a +2 Charisma bonus with Browncoats), and all the rest of who were there, it was great meeting you, and I'm really looking forward to coming back!

Even though there was an official contingent of Browncoats visiting the faire, they were by no means the only flans present. I sold some copies of On the Drift simply by walking up to merchants and asking if they'd ever heard of Firefly. Every time we played "The Hero of Canton," people stopped and smiled. Many of them had never heard of the Bedlam Bards or On the Drift.

Many of the cast members came up to us to thank us for making the album, and I was surprised by how many times people mentioned that they have it along with the show and movie soundtracks as the only CDs in their changers, or the only tracks on their IPODs. I feel so honored by that.

One of the cast members approached me at the end of the day about swapping a pewter pin that said "SHINEY!" for a copy of the CD. I happily agreed.

All in all, it was a great time.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 5:11 AM


Hey, BEBrigadier,

If it was a cast member from Serenity or Firefly acknowledging our music, I would put it in all caps in the headline. :-)

No, this was a member of the renfaire cast.

Keep flyin,


Wednesday, April 12, 2006 4:18 AM


Dinner was lots of fun! Thank you for coming along!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006 3:52 AM


It WAS a great time!

That reminds me, I'm PMing you the link to my pictures.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006 10:39 PM


Uh...stupid question here: "cast member" as in a BDH actor or a cast member for a different thing? Cuz I am a mite confused;)



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