
Now They've Made Me Angry!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006

Ok, so those that have been following my blogs have known that I am having problems just getting my education; getting things that I actually, according to the rules, have access to. Yesterday was no exception.

Last I let everyone in on my "adventure", I wasted an academic year. Unfortunately, this realization had come shortly before the voluntary withdrawal deadline (for only 2 of my courses). Then, because I wanted to stay within the system, I was working with the student union to resolve these issues. The time went beyond the voluntary withdrawal deadline. But the student union told me not to worry about that.

This resulted in getting a meeting with the dean. Unfortunately, the student union rep I was working with flaked out. I waited a fair while before contacting the dean directly. I got a meeting with him yesterday (rather than 1 1/2/2 months ago). He was less than helpful.

Apparently, even though the course descriptions have little to do with what is actually taught in the class itself, is not the responsibility of the university. And this isn't false advertising either.

How advertising in a university publication something, yet not actually providing that something is not false advertising, is logic that I'm not aware of (actually I am, it's called delusion).

Apparently, the dean can use portions of the universities calender as rigid (his "inability" to give my a letter stating that I can withdraw without academic penalty). But, when I use the calender to make my point, it isn't rigid. And in fact, the process outlined in the calender that I was using was (as he put it) "a dead end" ie the process effectively doesn't exist. Again, the university bears no responsibility for this either.

Apparently, getting... bad advice from the student union (apparently I should have worried about the voluntary withdrawal thing) is not his, nor the universities responsibility, nor the student unions fault. Nor will they do anything to help me in that regard.

Apparently, when a professor intimidates students (myself and others, as only a small example of what this professor has done), it is ok because the professor and I had a "personality conflict." How my relationship effects the relationship between the other students and this professor, I have no idea. For that matter, how it is ok, no matter what, for a professor to intimidate students is beyond me. (EDIT: According to the dean, instead of trying to resolve the issue as if the professor and I were adults, I should have just dropped the course.)

And I could go on.

Basically, this university has failed me in every single way possible and it will take zero responsibility for its actions (or lack thereof). And now I'm left with not only being the victim, but bearing the full brunt of the punishment.

So, now my only recourse (at this university) is to go through an appeals process. If that fails, then that's the end of the road.

The only other option that I have is to appeal to my home University to attempt to get something done there.

If this all fails, then my academic career is quite over.

I am now trying to do both these things in parallel as I have zero confidence in this university. Hopefully, I'll have better luck when talking to my home University.


Friday, April 14, 2006 8:09 AM


Thanks for you support guys :)

It certainly is appalling that these things can go on and nothing is done to rectify the situation. That is, unless I force the issue. Which I will certainly be doing as I don't like delusional people standing in my way.

I still have the process at this university, and one at my home University as well. Fortunately, I do have a Miranda-like revelation if *everything* fails.

Won't get into it, but it certainly is a show stopper.

Thanks again guys :) I'll keep you all posted.

Thursday, April 13, 2006 9:31 PM


I can sorta relate to your issue, SigmaNunki....but I can still offer my sympathy. This kind of stuff is just nuts and you have been unfairly screwed over by all involved! If you appeals due fall through, I think that you shouldn't give up your's the one thing all employers and "real world" people look at.

My advice...submit to any appeals panels you can and fight for your position. If the unforseen should happend, I think a Miranda-like revelation of these misdeeds might go a long way to getting support (other than your fellow Browncoats, cuz I know we all back ya in some way) and getting this matter dealt with fairly.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 8:04 AM


For the love of all that is holy!

I have been following your blogs and this does make me exceedingly angry! My first thoughts are that you should GET OUT GET OUT while you can, but I understand the frustration of transfering, more delays, etc. I'm glad that you are continuing to fight for what you believe if right. At the same time, PLEASE DO NOT sacrifice your education. I had to drop out near the end of my 2nd year and it's been nearly 10 years now and I haven't been able to go back. It's so hard to get back in once you fall out. The real world is just so overwhelming and expensive.

I am sure you will make the best decisions you can. Just think about when this is all over, how you will be able to say "I earned this degree." And REALLY mean it.


Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:34 AM


The fact that a professor can do that to students is comepletely worng, especially if you have no official recourse. I know at the U here, students can complain against a teacher, and if the problem is with the majority of the class, action is taken.

And to think, you pay for that kind of treatment. Further proof that university is not the real world, nor does it help prep you for it.

Thursday, April 13, 2006 7:34 AM


The fact that a professor can do that to students is comepletely worng, especially if you have no official recourse. I know at the U here, students can complain against a teacher, and if the problem is with the majority of the class, action is taken.

And to think, you pay for that kind of treatment. Further proof that university is not the real world, nor does it help prep you for it.


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