
If Joss kills Jayne next...
Sunday, April 16, 2006

...where do you bury the survivior?

No, seriously I was having a discussion about the 'Verse and what should happen in the rest of our Big Damn Trilogy, when we get it. (See FollowMal, when, not if. I'm earnin' my coat! )

Anyway, Jayne came up and I said I want to see his family. My husband envisioned space hicks. Outer rim rednecks, a shuttle on cinder blocks in the yard, ya know.

So if Joss kills Jayne next('cause he will kill someone else)I figured they would take him to his family. My hubby thought Canton. Duh! Good thought. I just had this vision of mudders pouring a 40oz of Mudders Milk on his statue...some for me some for my homie. Anyway!

Wondering if other people had thoughts.

Quick edit: This blog could also be called stereotypes on parade, I could not tell you why.


Tuesday, April 18, 2006 3:53 AM



(See FollowMal, when, not if. I'm earnin' my coat! )

Yes, you are! Good job!

*sings* I can't wait to see my BIG DAMN TRILOGY!

( to Bedlam Bards melody!)

Monday, April 17, 2006 7:07 PM


If there is any more death then I will get terminally depressed and end up spending thousands on therapy just to be told I am crazy

Monday, April 17, 2006 10:12 AM


All this talk about people dyin' is disturbing me. I like that we are discussing future movies as a triology, though. I don't know if I could handle the whole "Mal and Inara finally get together then one of them dies" thing. But you are right. This is Joss we are talking about here. He likes to kill off people. Likeable people. Lovable people. Red-haired, dinosaur-loving people *sob*. God, why did I have to go and bring that up. Anyway. About Jayne. Remember when Book said Jayne would probably out live them all? I think it would be funny if he did.

That does beg the question "If not Jayne, then who?"

It doesn't bear dwelling on. I'll just ruin my mood if I do.

Monday, April 17, 2006 7:40 AM


hehe, shuttleon cinder blocks in the yard.

I can't help but think it'd be great if his family -though obviously poor- would be civilized and he was a total black sheep. It may be rediculous but I love black sheep.

Who dies next? It's hard to say I mean, book I could see before hand as expendable but Wash I was shocked at, even before I saw firefly I cried in the movie theatre when was goes. So I'm going to have to say Inara. Maybe that's why she wanted to see the universe, she's got some terminal desease perhaps? Her and Mal when finally get together and than she'll die. Kinda like fred and weasley (with out Illeria-however it's spelled)

Monday, April 17, 2006 7:04 AM


I was pissed off with the death of Book, Was, and Mr. Universe. WHY I ASK!!?? WHY!?!?!

Monday, April 17, 2006 12:02 AM


No. The next person to die will be one of the women. I'd put money on it. And then if i'm right I'll burst into tears and go into serious denial.

Sunday, April 16, 2006 7:57 PM


An interesing thought, Girlaskew. I would have swung for wherever Jayne's from (Joss would hopefully answer that burning question with Jayne's death). Though if his family's gone (what a way to get at the crew....kill remaining family), Canton could be a good concept too.



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