MGS and FF
Saturday, April 22, 2006

First, thanks for all the understanding messages/comments I've received about my hiatus. I've only got a week and half left to go, but it'll be a busy one. ...And then I've still got another whole year before college is through. To hell with my masters, I need a break.

Anywho... You wouldn't think Metal Gear Solid and Firefly would have much in common, yet somehow I've found a way... One of my projects is working on a Metal Gear Solid film adaptation (which I'm gonna try to seriously pitch, by the way). To update it somewhat, I've borrowed Joss's idea of America and China coming together and the Earth being used up as the backdrop of the story. So I guess, in a way, I'm actually writing a bit of history on the Earth-that-was.

Of course, should I actually be successful in pitching this (which would be a gorram miracle that I'm not really banking on) you never heard any of this from me, haha. Wouldn't want to be accused of plagiarism...

Good Lord I can't wait 'til summer...


Saturday, April 22, 2006 7:13 PM


Certainly would make more sense for MGS to be set in the Firefly universe's past, as I can't see gene manipulation all the way back in the 60s (when the last MGS game was set I think).

Still, it would be cool to see a MGS film on screen. Though presumably changes would have to be made in some quarters about all the stealth vs. balls-out action;)


Saturday, April 22, 2006 4:30 PM


I think it would be awesome if Snake and Jayne were related. It is Snake right? It's been a bit since I've played MGS.
As for your time off, it's given me a chance to catch up. I came in late and didn't start reading your episodes until the last one you posted.

In any event, breathe deep and hang in there.


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