
Serenity has ruined movies for me
Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Last night I watched Sahara and I could not get into it at all. About a little less than half way into it I realized that I was comparing it to Serenity and told myself to stop. After that I started to enjoy the film. Why did I have to turn brown? TV shows are not the same. And now movies?

Luckily it hasn't affected my viewing of older movies, but then again, they were made to a different caliber than current movies.

This totally bites. Now I am going to have to remind myself to watch a movie as itself and not expect another Serenity. Gee. Fun. Some movies you expect to be worse than BDM, like Cheaper by the Dozen (watched it Sunday). But that was a guarantee.

Curse you Joss. Curse your amazing writing abailities. Curse your perfect cast. Curse you all to heck. I am just going to go home and watch the BDM all over again.


Wednesday, April 26, 2006 4:07 PM


I know the feeling

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM


Know excactly how you feel. But in my case it was more of a comparing all series on tv to Firefly (wich has resulted in some wicked snorting, cussing and general yelling at the tv)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM


Know excactly how you feel. But in my case it was more of a comparing all series on tv to Firefly (wich has resulted in some wicked snorting, cussing and general yelling at the tv)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM


Know excactly how you feel. But in my case it was more of a comparing all series on tv to Firefly (wich has resulted in some wicked snorting, cussing and general yelling at the tv)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM


Know excactly how you feel. But in my case it was more of a comparing all series on tv to Firefly (wich has resulted in some wicked snorting, cussing and general yelling at the tv)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM


Know excactly how you feel. But in my case it was more of a comparing all series on tv to Firefly (wich has resulted in some wicked snorting, cussing and general yelling at the tv)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:52 PM


Know excactly how you feel. But in my case it was more of a comparing all series on tv to Firefly (wich has resulted in some wicked snorting, cussing and general yelling at the tv)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 3:12 PM


I feel your pain. Luckily you're not at the point where you want Nathan Fillion to be in everything now.

SNL would be just grand if he hosted it. Don't you think? Or if they did a parody of Serenity or Firefly. Curse Joss and his amazingness.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:20 PM


It's always painful to realize your entire outlook on things have been ruined by one single book, TV show or film.

You or others around you start to wonder about your newfound snobishness, but really....quality goods ruin ya right nicely. As the (new) saying goes: "Once you go Joss, everything else is dross."



Wednesday, April 26, 2006 2:19 PM


I did the same thing, except I compared the Star Wars prequals to Firefly. I then stepped back, only to realize that they actually wheren't as good as everyone was making them out to be. Now that I've seen Serenity AND Firefly, I can't watch ANY of the other Science Fiction movies I have in my collection!(OK, so maybe I sneek in Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi occasionally.)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006 1:39 PM


Oh how I know the pain. Everytime I see a bad movie or even a mediocure movie I always think to myself.
WHY OH WHY WOULD THEY MAKE THIS GOE SE INSTEAD OF SAY SERENITY 2 although I'm sure Joss would think of a better title than that.


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