
Somewhat of a victory
Friday, May 12, 2006

So, the people have been following my blogs know about my educational troubles. Well, got a letter in the mail today about this past years BS.

Basically what happened was the I got really bad advise from the student union and that lead to the possibility that I would get straight F's this year.

The BS that I'm talking about was written in three separate 15 page documents not including supporting documentation (and another that proves academic misconduct of the University I attended that never got submitted). I won't get into the content here, as I've talked about it before and what isn't in the blogs, I'm just happy it's all over and done with. So, no more re-hashing.

The letter stated that I've won my appeal to get a VW from all my courses. This is only somewhat of a victory because I still have lost a year and $2500+.

But, the victory is because my academic career is unscathed.

And a lump of stress has now left my life *sigh* Will drink tonight


Sunday, May 13, 2007 3:50 PM



FMF does the happy dance (which will embarrass the kids so double YAY!)

Sunday, May 14, 2006 5:58 PM


Excellent news, SigmaNunki! While I haven''t been in your situation with my school, I can sympathize somewhat with a university screwing around with one's academic life harshly:(


Friday, May 12, 2006 6:33 PM


Know all to well how you feel. Congrats though to your victory!

Friday, May 12, 2006 6:33 PM


Know all to well how you feel. Congrats though to your victory!

Friday, May 12, 2006 6:33 PM


Know all to well how you feel. Congrats though to your victory!

Friday, May 12, 2006 6:33 PM


Know all to well how you feel. Congrats though to your victory!

Friday, May 12, 2006 6:33 PM


Know all to well how you feel. Congrats though to your victory!

Friday, May 12, 2006 6:33 PM


Know all to well how you feel. Congrats though to your victory!

Friday, May 12, 2006 10:28 AM


YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYYYY! That is fantastic news! Congrats on a partial, but very good victory!


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