
Okay... I feel lonely now...
Friday, May 19, 2006

Gorramit, but I must be the only browncoat in East high!!! I mean, I don't think that, out of three thousand folks there, that there are any Browncoat's there other than I. There's one guy what saw the movie... but he has a green mohawk and hasn't seen the series (why did I mention the mohawk? I dunno... shiny). And theres a girl what seen the series, but she ain't a browncoat neither.
I can't think of ANY way to find another one, 'sides maybe wearing a T-shirt with "SHINY" stapled on the front. I have plenny a friends there, but no Browncoats. DAMN!!! (*sniffles*)



Saturday, June 24, 2006 5:20 PM


Dont worry. I went and saw the BDM on the big screen yesterday all by myself and made a bunch of new friends. It was really shiny to talk IRL to people about Firefly! *sighs in happiness*

But dont worry. I spent about a year not knowing anyone else who's loved the show. Then I bought the dvd's.
Then the movie and music.

Then I found this website ^_^

Saturday, May 20, 2006 3:21 AM


Just Promote it constantly..thats what i did and within 2 weeks i had 3 people bying the DVD of both serenity and the series. they are now telling other fokes, so it's worked out amazingly here.

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:44 PM


Didnt have no ones in my town either. So I started to convert people! Works real shiny.

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:44 PM


Didnt have no ones in my town either. So I started to convert people! Works real shiny.

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:44 PM


Didnt have no ones in my town either. So I started to convert people! Works real shiny.

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:44 PM


Didnt have no ones in my town either. So I started to convert people! Works real shiny.

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:44 PM


Didnt have no ones in my town either. So I started to convert people! Works real shiny.

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:44 PM


Didnt have no ones in my town either. So I started to convert people! Works real shiny.

Friday, May 19, 2006 1:26 PM


I say invite you're friends over on saturday. Stock up on snacks and soda then barracade the doors for a few hours and force them to watch firefly with you. Actually after about 1/2 hr there will no longer be a reason to keep the doors blocked off.

Friday, May 19, 2006 11:43 AM


well, for starters, make 'coats out of your friends :)
and secondly, i DID wear that shirt (or rather, a "x days 'til serenity" shirt, the week before) and it works wonders :P (which is to say, i found the two other kids at my school who i didn't know about. making for a total of three. counting me.)

Friday, May 19, 2006 11:39 AM


Well, remember you're never alone here.
We are all here together and you can talk to us whenever you feel like it.

Also, make some Browncoats.. there are probably some.. they just don't know it yet.. share the 'verse with them.

Sprinkle your speech with fireflyisms like shiny and such and see if you don't get asked about them.

Share the series and the movie, I have done that and converted 2 or 3 people just by sharing. Then you have Browncoat friends. :)


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