
vague musings on characters
Tuesday, June 1, 2004

Ok, so this is my first Blog entry, being new to the Firefly Verse and all, so forgive me if I make little sense...

One thing that has been bugging me a bit is the reactions to Jayne. Now, I think he is the best character, who I'd love to see developed more in any film. But most of the fanfics I've read (and there's been a few) seem to delight in trashing his character, making everyone else hate him with a passion. Will the poor guy ever get a break?!

There's been a few moments in the show which would indicate to me that he's more interesting than many give him credit for- end scene of Jaynestown for example.

anyone else have an opinion/fanfic recommendation?


Tuesday, June 1, 2004 7:02 PM


I disagree. I think he's very likeable.

Just.... not too bright.

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 2:55 PM


I mean to say that Jayne thinks he's the hero, even though he's wrong. I just think he's played well. He's a genuinely unlikable character that is given depth through writing and performing.

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 2:54 PM


One thing that's really cool about Jayne is that he's far removed from most heroic characters Joss has written. Sure, there was plenty of angst on Buffy, and Angel took his dark turns from time to time, but Jayne is one of his best creations, I think. So unpolished. Joss made the comment that Jayne thinks he's the hero of the piece, and I agree with that. Even if he isn't he thinks he is, and Adam Baldwin plays it beautifully.

Tuesday, June 1, 2004 12:43 PM


This is why I don't read fanfics.

EVERY character on this show is interesting, and has unseen depths... if that weren't true, Joss would have killed them. ;)


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2004 June