
Friday, August 4, 2006

Yes, well, I have finally decided to throw caution to the wind and use my free hand to take hold of some measure of responsibility, meaning I've actually logged in for once, with the express purpose of introducing myself to this fine community of Browncoats. Before proverbially diving into a message board discussion, I thought it would be best to start here, as the shock of a new name is often sure to stop an intelligent discussion in its tracks, at least for some small amount of time. Something my conscience wouldn't allow me to do. 'Cause I'm considerate like that.

To introductions, then.

My name, as you might have noticed, is Vicomte. I was first introduced to Firefly way back in the early days of the year of our Lord Two-thousand and six, or, perhaps more appropriately, roughly eight months ago. I am a regular over at the blogs, wherefore a few friends of mine introduced me to the 'Verse we all know and love. After weeks of hearing of this 'Firefly' I just had to see what all the fuss was about, and not being a cat, I was not the least bit worried about my mortality, though lately I do sometimes question my sanity, but in a good way, of course.

It was then that one day it came to my attention that the Comcast cable provider was offering Firefly as part of its Video On Demand service. Being intrigued as I was, I decided to check it out, for the low low limited-time only price of three bucks per three episodes. After some complex calculations I have discovered that I was paying for Firefly at a rate of one dollar per episode. Imagine my suprise.

The episodes were arranged in the standard Fox 'Out of Order', which I learned afterward. In this sense my first viewings of Firefly were much like those of you folks that were here since the very beginning, meaning 4:3 aspect ratio and wondering why cowboys were playing chinese checkers, as well as trying to figure out why the last episode was of double-length and taking place before the first episode. Sure, there weren't any commercials, and I watched the whole series in a matter of three days, but, other than that, I consider my experience to be much like the original.

I also experienced the same sadness when it was over, and the same happiness when I learned of the film, and the same exhilaration upon seeing the film. I like to think that my 'Browncoat Experience' is exactly like that of the original air time fan, only highly compressed. Instead of waiting three years for the film after watching the series, I waited three days. Instead of three minutes for commercials, it was three seconds. It's proportional!

Anywho, I've come a long way since then, and have developed a strong love/hate relationship with the 'Verse. Mostly love. You know how it is. I'm pretty much your average Browncoat, obsessed, but in a good way. I have a sizeable collection I'm quite proud of, I listen to the podcasts, I visit the websites, I watch an average of one episode a day (always in order, complete with Serenity where appropriate), I attended a Serenity Day screening, and I of course have my very own Jayne hat, and yes, it is very cunning, no matter what anyone else thinks.

So here's me, on the raggedy edge.

Stay shiny,


Sunday, August 6, 2006 11:37 AM


Ah...another brave soul has joined the fold! Come...we must raise a glass of engine hooch to celebrate;)


Friday, August 4, 2006 4:28 AM


I can't say much more than Mavourneen, she's very capable with the words and said exactly what I was gonna say...

We greet newcomers with a sort of tradition.. namely I hand newcomers a virtual browncoat to say howdy and welcome them to the site.

*hands Vicomte and browncoat fresh from the virtual storeroom*

There ya be.. consider yourself 'coated and howdied. ( is that word? it is now!)

Welcome home. :)

Friday, August 4, 2006 3:57 AM


Welcome, Vicomte!

You'll find a wonderful place.
The men are friendly.
The women even friendlier.
Food and beverages are always on the buffet, right over there --->
We welcome newcomers to the 'Verse with open arms. Post well, post often, and spread the word.


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2006 August