
ignore... just thinking out loud
Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Everthing ends... unless you want it to. Summer is almost gone, as are many of my friends, and anything that temporarily makes me content. Anything that makes me happy these days can be compared to a drug, bringing extreme joy/hyperness and then lassitude. Like the ultimate hangover. Lately I feel stupid and stuck and I don't know how to fix things. I'm considering just starting afresh, but I don't know how and what I could change.
Right now I just feel cold and confused, and I'm not going to pretend I'm okay anymore.


Sunday, August 20, 2006 7:24 AM


Totally in the same vibe right now, wolfpoet. I am stuck in a lovely pit of frustration over finding housing, a job and the desire to finish my university degree...least we ain't alone;)


Thursday, August 17, 2006 4:17 PM


Thanks for the comfort and advice. I really needed it. I think it's great that everyone here watches out for each other.

As for the fanfic, still in progress. So far I've written only a few paragraphs. I'm still trying to figure out characters, besides River of course.

Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:41 PM


Oh, and when's your fanfic comin' out? Inquiring minds are eager to know!

Thursday, August 17, 2006 1:31 PM


This don't seem to be the type of thing people here would ignore, and it surprises me nobody put down anything.

You'd be amazed just how much this sounds like how I feel. My friends have all gone off to new (but not better) schools, leaving me with the people I either dislike or am indifferent to. Good thing this is still here...*pats monitor*

Same with temporary contentment. The scent of summer's gone, giving way to the garbage-y scent of school, report cards, and inept teachers.

Possibly the best thing about being human (IMHO) is the freedom to change. There is no master of yourself other than you, as some bald guy's probably said. Just pick out what you think is wrong in your life and change it. Nothing can stop you in the end.

And I know you're not stupid, because you think that Jayne and Kaylee could never hook up.



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