
Tell me why people are complete idiots!
Tuesday, August 22, 2006

I won't mention names, but sometimes I run into people who make no sense at all. So I ask myself, why are these people complete idiots?

I've had a bad day at work today with working with idiots. I don't like to cause trouble, but I will. I feel that I am underappreciated and that some people are getting away with murder. Is that right? No!

So sorry to sound so down and everything, but my God, put your brain on and use it. I don't leave my brain at home when I come to work!


Wednesday, August 23, 2006 9:33 AM


Thank you for the support. Things are looking a bit better, but as always, management has handed down more rules that make absolutely no sense! I'm starting to think, who cares?

Thank God there is Firefly to go home to.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006 1:24 PM


Yeah, and how about when management is aware of the idiots and does absolutely nothing? As you say, "some people are getting away with murder." I see it all the time and that drives me crazy, too.


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