
Firefly Radio? Help meeeee!!!!
Friday, June 18, 2004

I've got a weekly Onscreen feature (Wednesdays at high noon KFJC 89.7fm/http://www.kfjc.org).

Past couple of weeks I've featured Firefly/Serenity. Seemed like the newsworthy thing to do, an official release having been announced, and production begun.

But I took a bet from a friend, who said I couldn't find something about Firefly or Serenity to include each and every week until the BDM is released.

I've called the company doing local PR for Universal, for what that might produce. And I'm still feeling a mite daunted.

I think there's material--especially of the "what the heck is Firefly and why should I seek out the DVDs" variety--but enough to be interesting in the not lame sense through April 2005? Did I take a bet I can't possibly win?


Saturday, June 19, 2004 2:42 PM


Hmmm...don't know what your ideas are so far, but there's alot of ways to go w/ it:

--discussion of the philosophy in the episodes w/out giving away too much (esp OiS, OoG, and Ariel come to mind here)
--comparisons to other shows in western/scifi genres (obviously 2 separate features here). The magnificent 7 comes to mind as the most obvious (which is unfortunately one i have really no first had experience w/), but the show takes stock characters from this genre as well beyond just that influence.
--MUSIC...the music in the episodes was a singularly compelling feature of the shows. Mix of different cultural influences down to the theme song that Fox hated till it was put w/ the intro scenes.
--Discussion/introduction of the characters perhaps?
--Other aspects of production that were innovative in the series. The CGI was one of the first to use close ups (actually probably the first but Star wars epi 2 aired first). Use of lighting--again listen to the commentaries.
--ummm, how much the cast loved working on the show?

Okay, running out of ideas due to the need to eat:) One other comment, I'd recommend writing directly to Mutant Enemy --- I actually have the address off the official board if you don't and don't wish to hunt for it. Just msg me w/ your email. I think if you were able to get in contact w/ their press dept that you'd get unbelievable support--who knows, maybe even an appearance by a cast/crew member.

If you run out of ideas, float through the general discussion threads..there are alot of interesting theories out there from people alot more knowledgeble about film than I (i just grew up w/ a dad who loved westerns). I defintely think you can keep it going fo the next what? 44 weeks;)

Saturday, June 19, 2004 9:13 AM


It's not the whole feature, but the mention has to be more than a shoutout. And there is the matter of it being weekly it'd have to be somewhat interesting. That isn't a part of the bet BTW, just my own concern.

But if it came down to it I'd rather do a lame feature than lose the bet.

Remember Mal's "costume" at the beginning and end of Trash? That's what the loser of this bet gets to wear. It would not be a pretty sight on me, who looks like a heavier version of the Movie Geek from Beat the Geeks.

Friday, June 18, 2004 5:04 PM


Hmm..probably depends on how long your feature is and what you've said so far..but I'm willing to bet that there is enough material...All else fails you can start listing the writers and what else they've worked on, space that out enough and you've got at least a month right there!


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