Update on unhappy blog
Saturday, September 23, 2006

I'm temporarily in luck: most of management was out of town for the rest of the week, so peace and sanity reigned at work for at least a while.

I sincerely want to thank all the wonderful Browncoats who responded to my previous blog. You are all the greatest and you helped restore my faith in humanity. It means a lot to me.

I've since calmed down a little, but I'm still going to look for another job. Here's my latest theory on management's M.O.: they must be aware that there are a few discipline problems in the company, but for some reason they absolutely refuse to confront the few (and there really aren't very many) people who are causing these problems. Maybe they're afraid of a lawsuit from a disgruntled employee? I have no idea. Instead, they've decided to punish ALL employees.

I heard a manager yesterday say, "Don't take it so personally. This is a company-wide thing." Did she hear what she was saying? Of COURSE we're taking it personally, because we're all being told that we're, in effect, little children who can't be trusted to act responsibly on our own. If management wasn't there to keep us in check, who knows what would happen? (Maybe we'd all be happier and a lot more work would get done. Ha!)

Anyway, I'll see if I can find something else.

Meanwhile, thanks again for your support.


Saturday, September 23, 2006 9:38 AM


Ya gotta wonder why people in management suddenly lose bits and pieces (if not the whole kitten kaboodle) of their common sense when get become administration. Cuz like you, SAVEWASH, I would too be offended if I was told "Don't take it personally, this is a company-wide procedure." Mainly cuz I would wonder why I am getting metaphorically whipped for something a completely different person (or persons) did in a location hundreds of kilometres away. Guess the concept of group punishment to cow the masses is something that nobody ever figures as being stupid till it backfires magnificently agains them;) the best damn job you're capable of. Gotta show your eventual new employers that they would be stealing away a valued member of a comptetitor's workforce (if you find work with a competitor of your current company) ;D


Saturday, September 23, 2006 9:19 AM


The company I work for is great. The boss is a good man, engages with us, very intelligent and could do pretty much any of our jobs if he had to. When he's not in the office, the only difference is that there's an empty chair in his room. We all keep working just as hard, we all keep trying to solve our client's problems just as well, we're exactly as professional as we would be if he was sitting right behind us.

That's how businesses should be but sadly most are like yours. I hope you get lucky with a new firm.


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