
Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I had a pretty long day today for not having any classes. I did some studying this morning and then a very intensive workout, cleaned a bit and then had to run some errands around town. (Driving in Atlanta is possibly the most strenuous activity ever.)

Anyways, I finish at my doctor's appointment and come home very sleepy. I still need to go to campus and watch some videos but I figured I'd take a quick nap first, so I pop in Serenity and curl up underneath my covers.

Now normally I am very particular about locking the door, but I knew my roommate was going to be home soon and for whatever reason I didn't lock it behind me. So I'm asleep and all of a sudden my door opens and two guys walk in.

"Where's Mitch?" they say.
I sit up and say "Who are you?"
They respond with the ever enlightening, "Where's Ryan?" (Ryan is my roommate).
I say "I don't know. Who are you?"
They peer into my room some more. "Are you friends with Ryan?"
"Well I met him when I moved in..."
"Where's Mitch?"
"I'm sorry but I have no idea who Mitch is."
"Mitch doesn't live here?"
"This isn't Mitch's room? Why are you in here?"
"I live here. I'm sorry, but WHO are you?"
"I'm Ryan's friend from home. When will he be back?" like he hadn't just barged in on me sleeping...
"I don't know..."
"Hmmm..." they think, while still standing in my room. Then they close the door. I lay back down trying to process what just happened.
THE DOOR OPENS AGAIN! "Don't tell Ryan we're here.'
"Okay, sure, I won't say anything..."
Then they close the door again.

Now Ryan is home and his two friends are shouting and cavorting in our living room. I went out there to get a movie and received no apology, no introduction, just a "hey."

Now I try to be a cool and patient roommate, but I think this is a little much to be asked to tolerate happily.


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 7:10 AM


I would suggest a nice, calm discussion on the behaviour of guests. Cuz that was just rude:(

Still...I think that locking your door, even if Ryan the Roomie is about to arrive, will save you a lot of stress and negative chi/aura/whatever by preventing go se like this;)


Wednesday, October 18, 2006 3:11 AM


Sounds like your roomie needs a stern talking to! Or a kick into Serenity's engine! Your choice.


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