
Sunday, October 29, 2006

Hello everyone,

I'm new to the browncoat verse but am glad that I'm here finally! As my profile says I was first introduced to the JW verse with Serenity and once I found out that there was a series...I had to have it. I can't believe that Firefly only lasted 1 year. That's just silly.

I don't watch much television, mostly just movies and football. There just isn't anything with any intelligence to it that is worthwhile. One of the things that I love about Serenity & Firefly is that it was smart and funny. I can definitely see where it doesn't fit in with "todays" television that for the most part you can check your brain at the couch before watching. Half way through watching the Series for the 1st time I looked at my wife and I told her that Firefly was too smart for the American public and would have received a better reception in England where character development and excellent writing are more appreciated. In
the U.S. if you don't have the fake drama of reality TV or sex or something blowing up it's just boring.

It's too bad really but I hold out hope for the future!


Tuesday, October 31, 2006 4:20 PM


Welcome! Always good to see a new face or two around these parts:D

Collect the VBC and have a drink of Mudder's Milk...it's better once you're pleasantly numb from other drinks;)


Sunday, October 29, 2006 6:07 PM


Welcome to our corner of the 'verse! Enjoy your stay on this shiny ship! :D

Sunday, October 29, 2006 4:47 PM


To be fitted with your Brown Coat,Bchbndpcb, go to the following thread and ask for FollowMal, she'll be with you shortly there after. The thread is: http://fireflyfans.net/thread.asp?b=2&t=24867

Sunday, October 29, 2006 3:19 PM


Thank you for the welcome! No Jossisagod I havn't been fitted for my official Brown Coat yet but would like that very much. And thank you for the Mudders Milk quite tasty actually.

The idea that a show like Firefly isn't on television is just stupid. I've introduced the series to my mother and father in law both engineers, educated and well read and they just loved it! Also, had a
Serenity showing a couple of weeks ago and another friend of mine with a Master's and 2 bachelor degrees also loved the show. I'm convinced that you guys are right and the show was too smart for the average American Audience. But, having said that I caught a Firefly Marathon on the Sci-Fi channel not to long ago...it seems like a perfect fit!

Thank you for the warm welcome and I'm looking forward to learning more about the Firefly/Serenity verse.

Sunday, October 29, 2006 12:02 PM


P.P.S. They're Virtual Brown Coats so the dummies at Fox and the guys and gals at Universal can't touch'em, I think?

Sunday, October 29, 2006 12:01 PM


welcome! I am also new-ish having just found the series through the movie this past summer. I wish I had hope for the future. But, when I see what is offered on television - reality shows that require you to eat rotten roadkill to 'win' - another that requires you to join up with a tribe and endlessly compete to screw the other tribe and eventually members of your own to 'survive' - I have to believe that our society is on a headlong rush to the bottom and there is very little being done to stop it. A show like "Firefly" - properly promoted and given a regular timeslot and patience would be wonderful and welcome. I have been fortunate to have traveled some and agree that a British, Australian reception would have been so much better received. It was a program that was much too smart for the American public. Wow, didn't mean to sound so gloomy! Sorry, mixed all that stuff up with what I hope you understand was meant to be a welcome from another new-ish b-coat. We can only hope that some network grows some sense (but, having worked in television, I've seen the head honchos and they are products of the society..)
**sigh**..I'm going to crawl back under a rock until this daylight-crazing time is over..

Sunday, October 29, 2006 11:58 AM


Welcome aboard! You'll be needing some Mudder's Milk to drink, so here you go(JOSSISAGOD pours Bchbndpcb a clay bottle of Mudder's Milk). If you liked Serenity and Firefly, try some of Joss's older work like Buffy:The Vampire Slayer, or Angel:The Series. Both are great shows just as good as Firefly/Serenity.

P.S. has FollowMal fitted you for your Official Brown Coat yet?


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