
A New Saga Begins
Friday, November 3, 2006

Okay, maybe saga is stretching it a bit ... although it's definitely not an epic ... just a multi-chapter fic I suppose.

I hope everyone continues to enjoy as Best Intentions attempts to explore Inara's past. This is one of my takes on it; I have another theory that I'm working on currently and am almost done with.

I also have some S/K one-offs completed that I could probably post at any time, but I'm trying to pace myself. Then there's another heavy Mal/Inara story, and about two or three heavy Simon/Kaylee stories as well.

As far as what's in the pipeline (i.e. my brain), I've got ideas floating around for a whole bunch of things, which, my beta, Leiasky just loves (if by love you mean wonders what in the name of God is my problem!?!?!? - Just kidding ... I think she's okay with it ... I think ...)

I guess the point is, you keep reading and I'll keep writing. (And by reading, I do mean commenting as well ... it'd be a ruttin' shame if some Reavers were unleashed on all those folks who read and don't comment ... ruttin' shame ...)

Thanks again all!


Sunday, November 5, 2006 10:28 AM


That threat is certainly a tad bit more blatantly scary than calling on space monkeys;)

Still...to quote the ever knowledgeable Mr. Universe: Bring it on, bring it on!


Friday, November 3, 2006 5:16 PM


Mind cluing me in on what you have in mind? Love to hear what you're planning. Could use another set of ears and eyes.

Friday, November 3, 2006 4:03 PM


Hmmm...Reavers, you say? And here I thought non-commenters went to the Special Hell. Either way, yeah. Damn shame. ;-P


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