
Part 4/Dinotopia/Starwars/Battle of Du-Khang
Sunday, November 5, 2006

Coming very soon! I must admit, this has been probably the most fun out of all of the sections written so far! Its set during the initial stages of the unification was on Sihang (in Du-Khang) and maybe its just the survivalist in me, but trying to figure out exactly a group of peoples can survive in a city racked by violence, collapsing government control, refugee populations, increasing civil unrest, disease and death is - for me - really interesting!

Its set (like pt 2) in Du-Khang, which for observant browncoats is the city/warzone featured in 'The Message' where Zoe, Mal and Tracey are fighting, in 2510.

I've had problems imagining what this city may look like. I found a pic on the net of a massive hall/library, which is what i based hte University around in Pt 2, but the city itself i wanted to be athetic, futuristic (obviously) yet also classic and grand, much like Venice or (probably the city i based it upon the most in my mind) Waterfall city from Dinotopia. Love that book. I figure, if you really like the city beforehand then you'll feel even worse when it gets blown up (which im thinking it will).

Thats what annoyed me about Star Wars actually, is that in Ep 4 they blow up Alderaan saying "Please, we have no weapons!" and apparently its this terrible atrocity but, really, you just don't care because its a blue smudge that was invented soley for the purpose of being wiped from existance. I thought the prequels would sort of create a world of Alderaan, where you really liked the planet and came to appreciate how nice it was, but you barely saw it thoughout the entire series of prequels! Grrr!

Newhos, what was i talking about again?



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2006 November