
nothing much
Thursday, November 23, 2006

I`have lost my keys, not only to my home but to where I work. Not everybody at work is happy with me because I overslept (I have done that twice in two years) and I would hate to have to tell them that the key is gone. So if there is any psychic brown coats out there.. No.. ah well.

Was at a comic quiz yesterday. It was my first quiz and my team lost but it was fun anyway. Found out that I know a lot less than I thought about Donald Duck. Its amazing what kind and the amount of knowledge some people have. Ill take them next time... and if there ever will be a buff or a tv quiz. I would be queen.


Thursday, November 23, 2006 3:02 PM


Honestly? I would tell the necessary people at your work about the missing keys and suffer the temporary backlash. Better to inform them now and get the whole mess dealt with promptly than procrastinate in some possible vain hope of finding the keys and then have the missing keys used against ya.

And you've only overslept twice? If they're giving you heck for that small amount of human frailty...then you got wonky co-workers:(

Anyway...I got faith you will find your keys. That and I am sending good luck vibes your way;)



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