
ashamed no longer
Sunday, July 4, 2004

there is something wrong here. well more than one thing honestly. lots of things. this world is going to pot. my family makes me feel like I should be ashamed of some of my health issues because the social stigma attatched to the title is more than a little off from the reality of the illness. so because YOU don't understand something I have to hide it away and be ashamed? I'm sick of letting peoples ignorances rule my behaviors, rule my opinion of even myself. if the change has to start with me so be it. so I've begun to be more forward and open with my illnesses, be ready with a correction or some helpful information to arm them with a more enlightened view. yes, I'm sick, but thats not all I am...

Zilpha Chouinard

type1brittle diabetic march 2002, depression, anemia, schitzophrenic, anxiety dissorder, cronic pain, migraines, PTSD, non cancerous bone growth on the inside of my skull [much of the reason for my cronic pain] I'm already loosing my vision, from the diabetes... for a visual artist... thats hell. yeah I am that and more and I'm working on it.

rock on.


Monday, July 5, 2004 10:02 AM


Wow.. That sucks. really. but have you heard of the artist from about two years ago? She went totally blind but can still paint and paints better now than when she had sight.


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2004 July

2004 June