
Hippie Christmas
Thursday, November 30, 2006

My boss used to live in Sweden and recently returned from a visit there. When she came back, she started lighting candles in the centre, saying it was a Swedish tradition she missed a lot. Apparently, Swedes are nuts for candles and have them lit in almost every public place.

I love candles. I absolutely love them. I never imagined I'd be allowed to light candles at work. Needless to say I was all for the idea.

The first evening we lit candles at the reception desk one of them went on fire. As in full on flames and smoke. It was a voltive set in a jar of lavender. When the wax ran out it ignited the lavender and... well luckily I was there and spotted it pretty quickly. I had to smother it with a cloth to put it out!

Now we stick with small voltives only. It really adds to the place though. I have a small cinnamon candle lighting at the moment. Mmm...

Tomorrow is December 1st and it hit me that we don't have any decorations up at the centre. So I bought a mini Christmas tree! It's a real plant, but it's been dusted with gold sparkles and comes in a cheery box that doubles as an advent calendar and plays "Jingle Bells" when you press it. I know, I know... it's commercial and silly, I'm a bad little Hippie. But what the heck. It makes me smile :)


Thursday, November 30, 2006 1:57 PM


Wow...tht was lucky! Lord knows one doesn't want one's place of employment burning down this close to Christmas;)

And if it makes you smile, then all power to things commerical and possible cheesy;D


Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:35 AM


Your story reminded me of the time we used real candles on the christmas tree at our vacation home... We all had a wonderful time roasting marshmallows over the smoldering embers of that fine old cabin...
-sigh- those were the

Thursday, November 30, 2006 10:19 AM


I burn candles all the time at work. Votives mostly.

And I used to burn incense until someone STOLE MY INCENSE BURNER! Which really stinks because I work at a church!!!

I want to put some decorations up, but I haven't decided what yet.

I love Christmas! Warm fuzzies for a whole month.

Thursday, November 30, 2006 9:05 AM


Hey it makes you smile...that's all that counts. I would so love to light candles at my work, but the kids would get into them and poof classroom on fire. I have to settle for Wallflowers( scented oil dispensers) but right now I have candy apple ( an nice apple and spice combo) and that makes me happy. I'm buying a mini tree tomorrow and putting up lights...not silly at all:)


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