
Saturday, January 20, 2007

So, due to a hail storm a while back, the roof on my house needs repairing, and we figured we'd put gutter guards up to keep leaves and junk out of the gutters, so my father doesn't have to climb up on the very dangerous roof to clean them. Anyway, we have workers here who don't speak english fixing our roof. *sigh* It's very difficult for anyone to communicate with them, when they don't speak english. They backed their truck up near the house (to collect all the debris from the roof, which is all good) but they left the truck running, which left carbon mioxide into the house, through the garage. Even with the door closed, it started to come into the house. So, my grandmother, being the wonderful woman that she is, goes out and tries to tell them to turn the engine off. The guy says, "don't speak english". *sigh* so she takes his arm, and motions for him to turn the engine off...after about 5 minutes. He gets it. Now, i'm all for people finding work and such. I just find it frustrating when you're in a situation like that and you can't communicate. If I go to another country, i'm going to make sure i know at least some basic phrases or something. My mother can speak french, so I could go to France and have her translate. I want to go to another country. It would be so cool!


Saturday, January 20, 2007 10:15 AM


It's one of the big issues with working in another country, language barriers. Kinda surprises me though that if they got hired for a job where interaction with clients is a big facet that they wouldn't already know or have been taught even a smattering of English:(

Still...I gotta agree with Fizzix. It's bad enough when you live in a multi-lingual country and are visiting a location where the predominant tongue is not your own. But to be in another country where one's native language ain't even common except maybe as a secondary or tertiary one? Gotta feel for them, even slightly:(


Saturday, January 20, 2007 8:13 AM


I'm going to France this summer, and I'm gonna have 2 years of French by the time I go there...
But honestly: think about it. They probably feel so much worse being in a country where they don't speak her language...


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