Where'd January Go?
Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Sorry, I seem to have let time get away from me. The thumbnail is, went back to work while still ill, so was crashing when I got home. When I felt better, finished my Christmas shopping; did Christmas with my brother, s-i-l and nephew; went shopping for stuff the folks needed that wasn't available at the stores up there; went up to do Christmas with the folks for a few days, was back home less than a day and went to Confusion (as I'd bought my membership months ago and had a cheap place to stay for it...and got to be an additional chaperone for 4 teens to it.)


So, we do have some hopeful news on the Mom Front. She was finally stable enough for the hour+ ride to a different oncologist. He told them that the chemo & radiation the hospital tried to get her to do last November wouldn't have worked for her type of cancer (endometrial). What does work? Hormone therapy. So, they started that. Within 2 days Mom was peppy, had an appetite, and the pain and nausea went way down. By the time I was able to head up there about a week later, she was fairly bouncing off the walls. She looks considerably better and is interested in everything again. Which is a miracle from where I standing 'cause I seriously thought she wouldn't make it this long the way she looked in mid-December. Thanks for all the prayers & good thoughts, 'Coats! *happy hugs to all*

I'm currently trying to clean up the pigsty I call my apartment and am out bookshelf shopping (an everyday thing.) I need to replace virtually every shelf I have with something taller so I can get some of the stacks of boxes of books out of my way. I tried to spring clean 2 years ago. I'm still hopeful I can get to it. Sad, innit?

So...I still won't be here regularly, but hopefully more often than I was this month.


Wednesday, January 31, 2007 2:58 PM


I'm so happy to hear that things are better for your mom! That's great news!

Thanks for keeping us posted. My best wishes & thoughts are still with you.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:22 AM


So glad that your mom's doing better, and that you're back!

Wednesday, January 31, 2007 9:14 AM


Hey big hugs and I am so glad they figured it out and are helping your mom. You are amazing so don't forget that. Love you sweety HUGS

Tuesday, January 30, 2007 8:17 PM


Excellent news, RMMC! Always a shiny day to hear you and yours are doing well:D

And bookshelf shopping eh? Take my advice and invest in some good quality shelving. My dad got some middling cost shelving and it can't handle all my books:(


Tuesday, January 30, 2007 2:55 PM


I'm glad to hear that things are going well for you (and also very happy to see you back)

know that your family is in my prayers.

-The Guy


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