
The Ambassador has returned!
Friday, February 23, 2007

Ye gads, I just noticed that I've been on FFF for a year now...shininess!!

And after a long and painful absence, I'm back and...well, won't say better than ever, 'coz far behind me now are some of the finest Browncoats in the 'verse. Can only hope that ahead of me lie some equally fine folk in the New England Browncoats chapter.

Un-freaking-believable, though, how little downtime I've had over the past month and a half - getting a new job, finding out that I got it only two ruttin' weeks before ground school was due to start, turning in notice at my old job and residence, packing up, moving back to NH, attending another two weeks of ground school for a regional freight railroad, being called to work immediately thereafter, training on the job and finding a place to live, which has taken up the last three weeks...

I'm about ready to plop back and relax with my DVD set and some cider (not drugged, plzkthx). BUT I ain't even done moving in, wouldn'tcha know.

Anyway, look for the return of the Burma-Firefly icons some time in the next couple of weeks. And, hopefully not too long after, a complete rewiring and repost of a newly complete and newly betaed (courtesy of KayleeGirl) 'When in Rome'!

Keep Flying,
- Steemah


Friday, February 23, 2007 12:21 PM


We have missed you and we're really glad you're back. I'd be happy to slay whatever annoying little demon has caused said absence...HUGS

Friday, February 23, 2007 12:18 PM


You're back! Huzzah and hallelujah!


Always glad to see you 'round the BSR, Steamer. Been a colder and harsher place without your humour and creativity to light a spark or two;D



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