
First FF Fanfic...moderate success?
Saturday, March 3, 2007

I finally conquered my formatting fears and "A Not-So-Shiny Christmas" made it's belated way into the Blue Sun Room. (Well, okay, I only got over most of my formatting fears. I abandoned the idea of going back to add the Chinese translations popping up when the cursor is placed over the words. Maybe next time!) I consider it a victory getting all three parts posted -- hopefully without too many typos remaining, although it seems like proofreading is a never ending process -- especially when switching formats.

Readership dropped slightly from Part I to Part II, and again from Part II to Part III. I'm wondering if this is normal or just because my story didn't hold the readers' interest. (Or because it was well after Christmas when I finally posted! Timing may be everything after all.) I'll have to be more aware of looking at stats like this when I'm reading other fanfic which is posted in segments from now on.

I did get some nice comments, especially from Amdobell, Katesfriend, and BlueEyedBrigadier(who has been encouraging from day one!)-- and they all seemed to like it. A mightly good thing, considering I do plan to continue writing new episodes of my beloved series.

To those who wanted more (answers, action, whatever), I should mention that my aim is to keep the length and content of my stories to what would fit into a one-hour TV episode. This also means that the underlying big themes will move forward in tantilzing (I hope!) bits and pieces, while the episode's immediate action will follow a regular plot curve.

I'm encouraged that the new character, Piera Melathene, worked well and BlueEyedBrigadier wanted to know more about her. She is connected to both Book and River (and therefore, Simon), so I plan on her popping up again.

I'm also happy that readers are saying that my characterizations of the BDH are on target. I loved writing the dialog and trying to come up with some memorable lines. Jayne seems to be the easiest character for me to write. (A bit worrisome, that.) I'm comfortable with Book, Kaylee, Zoe, Wash, and River. Inara and Simon are a different story, (figuratively and eventually literally). They are the characters I have the most trouble connecting with, which is why I didn't have much on Simon in "Not-So-Shiny Christmas". Inara was out of the picture in this part of the timeline on Serenity, so I lucked out on that this time. Eventually, I have to deal though.

Now, what to write next...WWJWD? That is now the question!


Sunday, March 4, 2007 5:42 PM


Hmm, so Piera's connected to River as well? Like to see where that one goes. :D

And I wouldn't worry much on your readership dropping from post to post. It's not unusual - when I first posted 'When in Rome', the readers dropped from seven to two on the first couple of chapters (part of the reason it's being reworked so heavily). But I think one of the worst things you can do is flood. A lot of folk don't care for BSR flooding.

I would have dropped a line to your second and third posts, but once again: GORRAMMIT, COMCAST!!!

Sunday, March 4, 2007 1:00 AM


I agree, I'm loving it all so far! :D:D

Saturday, March 3, 2007 4:48 PM


If I might ask a question, KayleeGirl...but are you basing your observations of dropping readership between the three parts on the number of comments received for each part OR the number of times the posted document had been read by the point of consultation? Cuz I know that I get busy in RL enough that I get behind in keeping up with postings and spend marathon sessions getting to the current material. Should wait a while to see if readership increases as more people find this tale;)

And re: getting namedropped in your blog....stop! you're embarassing me *blush* ;D

Can't wait to see more, KG :D



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