
So, what are YOU doing to defend against the Zombie threat?
Monday, March 12, 2007

Just finished re-reading "World War Z" for the... fourth time. Lovely little bit 'o fiction, that- AND, a great conversation starter, by the by. Me and my friend were talking about what we would do, if-WHEN!- the Zombies rose from the grave to feast on the flesh of living. It was decided- gather the folks and mei-mei, and retreat to hbis house. Use his collection of katanas to hold 'em off- WITH a mixture of Black Market SAM's for good measure. Why would I have Balck Market SAM's, you ask? Well, as Stephen Colbert said- "The Second Amendment gives me the Right to Bear Arms- and, so, it gives me the right to hunt a squirrel with a Patriot Missle". God bless the Colbert Report. So, I ask you, why not?
So, what will YOU do?

My mind goes to some rather strange and creepifying places at times.

-Danny (Considering changing the name to H. Random- the "H." standing, of course, for "Hopelessly") Adios, folks. I'm off to English


Wednesday, March 14, 2007 3:03 AM


A... "Zombie Box"?
I gots to get me one of those! Except, it'll have a katana in it... or a Turkish scimitar...
I, also, never thought about a water tower plan... I thought of holing up in some house or other, or keeping on the move.


Tuesday, March 13, 2007 4:40 AM


I will go to my friend Marnii's where she has ( and I kid you not) a zombie box. It looks like one of those in case of fire break glass, but etched on it is " In case of Zombie break glass and aim for the neck) and inside is a machete. Her brother in law made it for her:)

Monday, March 12, 2007 7:08 PM


Well...while I don't have access to a weapons arsenal, I do live in a city reliant on a military base. Lots of troops and guns to start kicking zombie pigu back to their graves;)


Monday, March 12, 2007 1:49 PM


flattop, thats really quite brilliant, i hadn't thought of that one. YThough i hope you have long-term plans about collecting rain water, as it will go dry EVENTUALLY :p

Monday, March 12, 2007 11:15 AM


When Zak comes out to play, we will be making for the nearest water tower. It's easily defended (Zak don't climb), has plenty of water (once we turn off the outflow), and sufficient surface area up top to grow vegies for me & mine.

Monday, March 12, 2007 11:05 AM


oh man- i'm supposed to be reading that, i got sidetracked with school books (i figured it was only prudent to read the book i have to do a presentation on first), but my friend said it was great. oh, and the zombie survival guide- great!!! (fyi, it makes an EXCELLENT supliment to the All Flesh Must Be Eaten RPG).

i can't tell you how often i've kept myself amused at work by thinking 'ok, so if the xombies came... NOW, what would i do?". 'course, you ahve to be careful to ONLY think it, NOT speak it, else your boss gets some weird ideas about you.

Monday, March 12, 2007 11:01 AM


My pal has access to a fair sized arsenal by way of a gun collecting uncle and I have a thing for sharp objects such as big knives, swords, and hatchets. between the two of us there's a decent zombie defense strategy.

Monday, March 12, 2007 10:58 AM



I haven't read that book yet but I do know someone who owns a copy. He also has the Zombie Survival Guid which I HAVE read. Me and he have had many conversations about how we would deal with the impending zombie apocalypse.

Actually, I thinkg he's looking forward to it. He will laugh as all the doubters are infected and/or devoured by the zombie hordes.

Monday, March 12, 2007 10:26 AM


HOTEL 23. check out the book Day By Day Armageddon by J.L. Bourne. The site HOTEL 23 is a great zombie/PAW site. Also, the first few chaptes of the book are posted there. Have fun and look me up while yer there. Check out my failed fic attempt called Untitled or The Fear Of Life.


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