
Sad Rant
Thursday, March 15, 2007

---Trying Not To Be Over-Dramatic: OFF---

I miss all the files on the hard drive we can't really access because the motherboard decided to die when we got back from vacation. Heat rashes are weird. I have to do math homework over my Spring Break. I'm tired.

Talking about buying another computer stinks.

(I'll admit the math thing is my fault, because I could have done it before now - but, I can still rant about it.)

I don't want to lose the fan fiction story about Shadow I was working on... it wasn't gonna be perfect, but it wasn't gonna be bad, either.

---Trying Not To Be Over-Dramatic: ON---

In other news: I think I may be too emotionally invested in the Internet, and the worst part is I don't really have any reason for it. Sure, I've made friends, but no "bestest buds in the whole wide world" friends (to my knowledge). And I'm pretty sure it's impacted my reading (as in, I used to read a lot, and now I don't, but I still want to), and... I don't know.

The Internet helped me get in trouble last time (I wouldn't really have had anything - okay, more than one thing - to lie about without its involvement), which is a long story about how self-esteem is important and optimism is good, if not necessary (plus other stuff I won't get into). But, I don't want to 'leave'. If I could actually stop posting when I say I won't post, that might be okay. I guess.

So, yeah. FYI (for anyone who's interested): I'll be here, just not visible (and hopefully I'll be able to get the story soon so I can finish it).


Friday, March 16, 2007 12:41 PM


Wow...that's a lot of crap piled up;)

Still...don't discount the impact the Internet has had. You certainly have a cadre of amigos around these parts. Maybe not BFF material, but still...we like carrying things;)


Friday, March 16, 2007 4:57 AM


Good luck with your self change project. I am rooting for you!!!


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