Needy Returns
Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So I've been really loving writing posts for the Special Branch story. I've got a fixed storyline for the Needy character in that thread, well fixed in the essence of knowing his journey, but I've been willing to go on a few detours (And on occasion, it's allowed me to write bits that will tie into later events... totally by accident!)
I also enjoyed the Destiny reboot a few months back, and now its re-reboot.

But I still haven't finished my original Needy fanfic. The one which told the story of Needy before he got onboard the ship Destiny (which by the way is a different Needy to the one that exists in the Special Branch 'verse)
Only, now the Destiny thread is totally wacky and out there, with robots running amok and Needy previosuly shrinking to one third his size, so it's relation to the Needy origin story is distant.

So it seems that there are now three different Needy stories.

1. Prequel Needy - The character is more serious but offbeat, abd a total romantic. (Starring in "Needy's Destiny" in the blue sun room fics )

2. Needy, First Boy Whore of Destiny - total goofball, with a tendency to act jealous and whiny. (Starring in the "Destiny" threads)

3. SereniTree/Special Branch Needy - Deadly serious. A former companion who fights the good fight. He died, was resurrected and now is apparently invincible. But he often talks to a ethereal being that only he can see, one who has convinced him that he is some "chosen one" (Currently starring in the "Special Branch" threads)

All caught up now?

Well hopefully that's cleared some stuff up.

Now, the real reason for this blog:

It's been 11 months since I last posted an entry in the "Needy's Destiny" fic.
The original reason for the delay was due to errors with the site and me not being able to gain access for 6 months or soemthing ridiculous.
Then when I got back, I spent most of my time trying to keep up with the Special Branch thread.
I managed to get one new chapter done, but didn't want to post it until at least I made headway on the following ones (didn't want another 11 month gap)
So now I've written two chapters, and the semi-concluding part (entitled "The Aftermath") should be written soon. That one shouldn't take too long as it's main purpose is to tie up loose ends and set up the next (or rather, main) story.

I figured Needy's Destiny would be about 8-10 chapters in length. And I had the main idea in my head. But then I got sidetracked adding a subplot (a Wild Card attacking one of the companions) and that sort of became the main plot.
So instead, what I've got now is almost a series, instead of a story, and this Wild Card one is merely the first episode.
So Chapters 1-8 will be the pilot, and any other episodes will follow later. I'll try and get each following story completed though before I post any of the chapters. At least that way I won't have to write mega-long recaps to remind people what happened moments ago in the story.
Which, is what I've got to do now.

Eleven frakking months for heaven's sake!


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 3:03 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER're not alone in the "missing for months" category, Needy. Static just came back after like 10 months gone;)


Tuesday, March 20, 2007 9:10 AM


Well we'll forgive you so long as it's good:)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 7:29 AM


I agree with Safe. And I want a donut.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007 6:38 AM


Hey, quality is worth waiting for. Even 11 months.


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