
Entry for 3/25/2007 at 5:46:06 PM
Sunday, March 25, 2007

Which once again brings me back to the subject of the nerds. Please don't any of you get angry with me for saying this. When the nerds were introduced into BtVS I thought that Joss would use them to eventually join the Scoobies with the loss of Joyce. This trio of brilliant nerds would have been a godsend financially and technologically for Buffy's cause. They would have come up with all sorts of brilliant devices and ideas that would have supported and helped our fair Slayer out. Buffy might not have had to die if they were around.

The Nerds could have supported Buffy and helped her cause in ways that would have been great, and also they could have added power to the Scoobies and made the Buffy group so much more powerful.

I totally believe that the Nerds could have solved ALL of Buffy’s financial problems if they had simply sold off, or shared some of their technological breakthroughs with the military or some private company. They would have become so rich that they wouldn’t even have come close to knowing what to do with all the money. I mean really…what military wouldn’t want to have their very own invisible gun, and how much do you think that they would be willing to pay for one? Hundreds of millions I suspect.

Joss did not use the Nerds to their full potential. He ended up turning them into a group of clever idiots which in the end did not really serve Buffy’s cause. A waste of characters I think.

My point is that Buffy’s financial problems could have been easily solved in the earlier seasons making it not even an issue.

Why does Joss waste the potential of good characters that he himself created? This seems to be a trend with him. It's like he's shooting himself in the foot. Strange if you ask me.



Monday, March 26, 2007 6:08 PM


I gotta disagree too, RiverR6213. Season 6 was the "internal daemon" season for BtVS, since we had a hero suffering through all kind of internal struggles to readjust to an imperfect world, a major secondary character suffering from an addiction-egotism combo, and the villains of the season (till Dark Willow came along) were 3 completely human (flaw and all) individuals who wanted to have power to make up for being marginalized all of their lives...and who set us up for Willow's transformation by showing that some of the most dangeorus foes Buffy could face didn't have any powers but intelligence and misused creativity...a side of the same coin that Willow represented when she utilized her natural talents and "greater good" mentality to first seek vengeance on Warren before trying to end global suffering by trying to end the world.

Sunday, March 25, 2007 9:16 PM


Here be spoilers! If you haven't seen Buffy, and wanna, it's probably not a good idea to read this entire post.

That's a good point, granted, but I gotta disagree.

I always felt that the Nerds were always secondary during that season.

To me, the focus of the season was always on the aftermath of Buffy's death and resurrection. The paradigm shift the show underwent as a result of that and the new level of complexity was, to me at least, the primary focus.

Xander and Anya's engagement and break up, Buffy's seemingly infinite problems, especially in regards to Spike (boy did those two have issue...), and Giles' leaving, not to mention the troubles of Willow and Tara; these all seemed to take primary importance over the Nerds.

The show always need villians and these guys were incredibly convenient. They didn't need to be introduced every week ala the 'monster of the week' as they were already established. And with the show as packed at the time as it was, they fit rather snugly.

The Nerds served as catalysts for some of the more interesting things to happen, but to me, that was always the extent of it. And I think they were kinda bumbling idiot-geniuses as a direct contrast to the menace of previous villins to kinda give that format a break and let the show breathe a little.

At least until Willow went, and pardon my language here, apeshit.

Oh, and for the record, I totally agree with you in many parts, I simply felt the need to provide a rebuttal. AND they were the lamest 'season long' villians...even if it was on purpose.


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