
Everybody's got somebody....
Saturday, April 14, 2007

Even as I was posting in the picture thread this morning I heard my text-message alert going off. An old college buddy - a girl I worked with at the bus service, and had a severe crush on for a few years - had sent me a picture that I couldn't check while my gorram phone was in roaming mode. So I checked it again while hanging out at Panera and making that BDTY present for PhoenixRose (which, PR, I do hope you've seen by now ).

Well, this old college buddy has been seeing a mutual friend/co-worker for a little over a year. He's a very good dude. I got along with him well enough, and it ain't hard to suss out why they got together - they've so much in common that I was surprised they didn't get together a long time before they did. Well, anyway: The upshot of it is, I should have seen that picture long before I viewed it.

Because they're engaged.

I keep telling myself not to be disappointed. As I say, I crushed on this girl for years: she was the only girl I ever worked up the nerve to ask out, which ended up a complete flop, along with my subsequent attempts to make it up to her. Our "friendship" was, at best, rockier than shoal waters until I finally stopped talking to her when she got a steady guy. Long story short: years elapsed, I met somebody as well, found something I'd been looking for since the year of the flood, and at last found my way clear to forgiving her all that heartache. I'm very grateful that we picked up the pieces and became friends again. So I keep saying, Don't be disappointed. She's happy, she should be happy, she'll still be happy years and decades from now, and that's what matters.

But gai si de gui, I am disappointed.

She'll be spending the rest of her life with someone and she wants to spend the rest of her life with that someone and what a life they're going to have together. No doubt she'll invite me to the wedding, but I ain't even sure I'll want to go. Rest assured I'm long since over the crush, this is a friendship for the ages and I'm glad she'll get to live the rest of her life in marital bliss. So why am I disappointed? Not in her, not that I couldn't have her. What's tearing at me is that she does get a lifetime of wedded bliss while I die alone. Why do you think I've been using that sig banner for near a year?

No doubt you're all saying the same thing now. But Steamer, you're always saying you don't ever want to fall in love again! Well, you're damn right I don't - and this is why. Because I'm older now than any of my family was when they got married, because almost all my friends are either going steady or engaged, because I've been questioning for eons why they always got the warm fuzzy feelings of companionship and tender loving hugs while I got clobbered every damn time. I even backed out of a potential relationship not too long ago, because I just knew it was going to end badly one way or the other, and I knew because it always, always, ALWAYS happens. Love hates me, and I hate it right back, so determined it is to make me miserable - of which it so pointedly reminded me today.

BUT WHY!?!?!?!?!

A decade of fruitless search and I still haven't found the answer. Hence, my disappointment. Hence, another analogy between me and Mal: he no longer believes in God, I no longer believe in love. I can only hope that after today, it's run out of ways to kick me where the sun don't shine.

Till then, I'm just going to have to live with this.


Tuesday, April 17, 2007 8:09 AM


As the saying goes, nobody has ever gone to their grave wishing they had worked more...except maybe slackers;) point is that there are probably more than one person out there just for you, but I suspect taht the mixed bag o' feelings that you're hauling around re: love and relationships is kinda acting as a wall or barrier against their interest. Though yinyang is correct in that romantic love, while wonderful and powerful, does not solely run the world. Just let things happen with family and friends. You never know how things will work out there...though hopefully with a friend. Consanguinity, while a religious concept, is one of the few things I agree with Catholics about;)


P.S. If she invites ya to the wedding, I suggest going...though maybe after some hard thought. If you're friends with her and she wants you there, then a friend takes the hit for the greater good. Never know...might be a female Wedding Crasher there for you:D

Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:22 AM


I am totally with you on this one, Steamer. Love is pretty much the most difficult of all human emotions. And you're right, there's no guarantee that you won't get hurt in a relationship. No matter how nice your partner is, there's always a chance that they'll leave you in the end. I went out with a guy who abused me emotionally, wrecked any self-esteem and romantic hope that I had for the future, and made me have serious trust issues with everyone around me. It's been almost a year since then, and reccently I'd been told by a reliable witness that one of my friends intended to ask me out. He's a really sweet person, and normally I'd be ready and willing to be his girlfriend, but I was scared as hell of becoming attatched to him and losing it all in the end. I sought advice, and my best friend said something along the lines of "You have to take a chance and dive in. Sometimes you hit your head on the bottom, but it's worth the risk." So I'm going to give it a try. The point is, you have to trust your feelings and follow your instincts because they might result in pain, but they may also turn out to be great. So please do me a favor and don't give up yet, alright? Look at you and your college buddy- your relationship went sour, but you're still good friends.

Sunday, April 15, 2007 9:11 AM


ok big HUGS and you know what, I know someone who met the love of her life when she was 62 and they're getting married in hang in there!

Sunday, April 15, 2007 7:26 AM


Obviously, you're having some conflict between yourself; the negative and the positive parts, much like the name of the other person who commented on this. You say you've given up on love, (the negative, dark, conscious part of yourself) yet you feel regret and disappointment because you haven't found it (the unconscious, positive part that yearns for something you've 'given up on').

You've definitely got some stuff to sort out, but the best advice for now would be to listen to Yinyang: not all love is romantic, and romantic love isn't the force that keeps the world spinning.

with vague words,


Saturday, April 14, 2007 3:51 PM



I guess I'm in a similar boat - I don't want to date (because I haven't found anybody suitable and I don't think romance is the be-all end-all to life). But, that doesn't mean I still don't feel bad about having never been asked out.

Please don't give up on love. Just find the kind that's all around you, with your family and friends, and appreciate that. And, maybe someday, one of those friendships will turn into something else. I can't say that it will, or that romance will find you, but you gotta live through the hurt somehow (until it gets so small it may as well not even exist), and what better way then with friends?



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