
Monday, April 30, 2007

OK so a few months ago Laurelin started picking on me about my grey hair (granted I threw the first stone on that topic a week or so before so I had it coming).

It has never really bothered me. Its just hair afterall! I have a little of a receding hairline. I am hoping that it will eventually allow me to grow the Hulk Hogan Mullet (that would be sweet), and it is now a really dirty blonde almost to the point of being brown where it used to be a golden blonde.

So I went on Saturday to get my quarterly haircut (I usually get it cut pretty tight so that I am not wasting money at the barbershop every 2 weeks). So I am talking to my barber and we get to the topic of my grey hairs and the barber says well we can take care of those right now with some highlights. I figured that would show Laurelin for picking on me!

I highlighted my hair a couple of times a few years back just for the hell of it but got bored and stopped.

I get bored with my hair quite a lot. The last time I was really bored with it I gave Laurelin our clippers and told her to take it all off. Fun way to find out you have an odd-shaped head and really small ears!

So anyway; I told the barber sure lets highlight it. If I don't like it we can shave it and it will grow back.

Well it wasn't highlighted so much as she dyed the whole thing Golden Blonde. I guess it looks alright but am not totally sure yet. It is supposed to fade a little more with time. I am hoping it will lighten up even more.

Boredom is a wonderful thing. Is it vanity though? I am not sure. It kinda feels like it and I am sure people think it is.

So ladies Introducing Billy Idol! *place mock cheers here*


Wednesday, May 2, 2007 3:46 PM


Wouldn't call it vanity, Kelkhil...more like imagination;)


Monday, April 30, 2007 11:19 AM


Of Billy Idol? Well that would just be weird. Wanting to see a pic of Billy Idol in my blog.

Monday, April 30, 2007 8:51 AM


OK where is the pic??

Monday, April 30, 2007 6:20 AM


Hey! Good for you! It's not vanity, I don't think. If something is bothering you (i.e., gray hair)...if if you're just bored it's fun to try something different. For the past few years (now that I don't have to have a consistent 'look' for television) I've had more fun with color and cut than ever before in my life! I tell people my hair turns red in the fall, just like the maple trees... then darkens over the winter...then blondes right up for spring and summer! Be's fun. ;)

Monday, April 30, 2007 3:59 AM


Blonde ? Just like Spike !
Can we get a picture please ??
Pretty please with whipped cream & a cherry on top ????


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