
Blackbeanie's OC charater bios.
Thursday, May 24, 2007

ASHTON 'ASH' MERCER- stolen from his family, Ash became a slave at age 6. He was sold to his first and only owners at 12, and suffered horrific pain at their hands for 6 years until he managed to escape; but was recaptured by a bounty hunter (not Early) shortly after. Luckily the crew of Serenity intercepted.
He is haunted by nightmares of his past and refuses to tell anyone what happened to him, except River, whom he feels a strange connection to.
Ash is stronger and braver then he believes, and hopes one day to find the family he lost.
He looks to Jayne as a brother figure (God help him) and even if she refuses to believe it, he is deeply in love with River.
Appearance: Looks like Garrett Hedlund, ‘Jack’ from Four Brothers. But with some scars.

TAYLOR BRANDON- the only child of her companion and politician parents, Taylor grew up on Osiris next-door to Simon and River, the trio became almost inseparable and both S+R consider her a sister.
She left Osiris (when 16) after falling in love and pregnant with her now husband Daniel.
Taylor is fiercely protective of those she loves and often comes across as annoying and bitchy; few know of them, but she has reasons.
Now a mother of two, Taylor never regretted leaving the Core, but wishes she could have done so on better terms with her parents.
Her latest adventure with the crew threatens to reveal a terrible secret from her past.
Appearance: Looks like Ali Larter, ‘Niki/Jessica’ from Heroes

DANIEL BRANDON- the oldest of 5 brothers, his father died fighting as a Browncoat, leaving Daniel as the ‘man of the house’. Desperate to support his brothers and mother, he took a high-paying job several planets away, sending most of his pay back home.
While working there, he met Taylor (who was on vacation) the pair fell hard and when she had to go home he followed her to Osiris. But didn’t forget his family, he still worked and sent them money. Though shocked when Taylor told him she was pregnant, he handled the situation well (kinda) and took her back to his home on Vermillion.
Daniel values his family more than his own life and would do anything for any of them. He occasionally feels the life Taylor has now is insulting compared to what she could have had in the Core; if she hadn’t met him.
Appearance: Looks like Dominic Purcell, ‘Lincoln’ from Prison Break, but with longer, spiked hair.


Friday, May 25, 2007 4:26 PM


Ash was very breifly in the last chapter of the job, and he wasn't mentioned by name. But he will be a big part of the sequel.

Friday, May 25, 2007 8:08 AM


Probably since it's been a while since I have read "The Job," I have no recollection of Ash showing up. Or at least no clear one. Guess I will just have to go back and read it again;)


Thursday, May 24, 2007 6:10 AM




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