
Awesome RPGing!!!
Monday, May 28, 2007

I have been fortunate to find a great RPG group in my area and it was suggested to blog about the sessions so as to hopefully draw attention to how great the game is.

First of all we found our group on Meet Up and we all met in a mutually safe gaming store in our area for our first session. I have a character modeled after Jayne Cobb and in fact her background history begins as a mudder on Higgins Moon which she was able to escape after some crazy wonderful guy dropped a buttload of cash on her village. Goose(her nick name, she won't tell her real one) took her share, hitched a ride with the next missionary group and took to exploring the 'verse looking for jobs that didn't involve mud.

My hubby's character, Silas, is our face guy for the underground, finds us our jobs, gets us in with the right people. We lost our first captain after a barfight in Beaumonde, but managed, with the connections of Silas, to get out of jail and hook up with a crew doing some "salvage" in an Alliance dump space. Unfortunately, Silas snuck a stowaway on board, who, while OUR group was trying to find the booty in a derelict boat, this stowaway killed the crew and took our ride home. Thank goodness we have a kick ass mechanic that could get her running again, and low and behold our GM has bestowed upon us a Firefly which he later dubs *Scirocco*.

We have one guy, Chase, mostly a gunhand, that BARELY had the skill to pilot, D2 or D4 skill roll, and we made a crash landing on Beaumonde. Thankfully the booty on board was enough to cover our repair costs and get ourselves some coin. After picking up a tight pilot that can actually FLY the ship, we've made a couple of Ice and Water runs in the meantime and delivered a new Sheriff to Regina. Unfortunately, this guy was a psycho, so on our next trip to Regina, the townsfolk are begging us to kill him dead. Barely managed that, with Goose playing "target" while better shots snuck up on the sheriff. The ceramic plate vests are great for soaking damage.

Anyway, this last session we were asked to find them another sheriff on planet "plot device"(our GM's reference) where we picked up another good player and his character actually took "cooking" as a skill, so our eats were good, even in Real Life because our GM's wife makes rice crispy treats for our sessions.

So Silas finds us a contact with a guy on the water planet, Newhall, and this is great because we're thinking if we can't take this job, we can transport more water at least. Well Newhall is like a resort planet with pools and cabana's but no guns allowed so I stay on board, our Doc and Pilot though, take advantage of the place making time with the ladies while Silas and the captain set up our next job with the contact.

Unfortunately, it wasn't an actual paying job, it was a get to know you job and the crew were none too happy, but both Silas and the captain talked us down and explained pirate politics.

Either way the first portion of our job was a success, thanks to Goose intimidating the victims into jumping off their boat. This was a pearl boat on water, not a space boat, so nobody jumping into deep space. Anyway the second portion of the job was talking our contact's "side girl" into leaving the planet without killing her or raising a ruckus. One of our gunhands "Rez" had the best moment in this encounter when he suggested to this woman that she should come with them without a fuss and she replied that if they tried anything funny without showing the cred stick they'd been given as compensation, she'd scream "rape" and Rez retorted with a thoughtful, beard stroking "Touche" LOL!! about the best line of the night!!

So we pull off the pearl heist and we pull off the relocation effort and then comes the REAL job, stealing silk and burning down a factory. Our mechanic is also talented in demolitions so he contrived a flash bomb that looked like a spare part and the group was in and out in nothing flat, but then we got boarded by Alliance heading back to Beaumonde (our delivery point) Again our GM was gentle and rolled very lucky in regards to their search and behavior, so we slid on through.

Our next stop was Greenleaf, where we finally got around to delivering our water, but stupidly Goose happened to mention to the local parish that they'd flown past a reaver ship feasting on its latest victim and that put the town into a panic. Thankfully this was AFTER we sold the water.

Somebody in the group mentioned that this might be a good way to successfully loot a place, but then we wouldn't be getting any jobs if we mentioned reavers every time we showed up somewhere. LOL!

In all, it was a great game, I'm really looking forward to the next session an wishing we could do it more than once a month, and seriously considering running my own locally if the gaming shop in my town gets any response to my flyers. We'll see.



Tuesday, May 29, 2007 11:15 AM


Sounds like a butload of fun, shimauma:D


Tuesday, May 29, 2007 5:45 AM


Keep us posted


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