
Not A Happy Lil Browncoat
Monday, June 25, 2007

Well, I kinda knew this might happen, but silly 'hoping' me just didn't want to think it was true... I won't be attending Dragon Con this year. Y'all have no idea how very upset I am 'bout this. I've been so very bummed. I actually had a lil savings set aside and had just enough to get all I needed to get to Atlanta. Then a couple of really bad things happened to the house and a couple surprise bills and there went the money and then some. I know it shouldn't be the end of the world or anything, but I was just so very excited to meet all my fellow Browncoats. Y'all have been so wonderful and a chance to meet a bunch of you was just something that made me very happy. I am definitely planning on going next year, but just the fact that this seemed like such a sure thing at the time and then it was just taken away. Feeling pretty crap right now. My hubby, Jon, saw how upset I was and said that maybe we could scrape together the money, but I wouldn't want to put us in a hole no matter how happy it made me. I'm so sorry that I won't be able to meet y'all. Save your hugs up for next year and just give me twice as many, ok?


Saturday, June 30, 2007 2:52 PM


Ya know...I occasionally wonder that, as Browncoats, we should be all kinds of intimately familiar with the concept of money screwing over our sources of pleasure.

Fox canning the series because they didn't wanna spend the cashy money to advertise the BDS right, and not getting enough viewers they could sell over-priced go se too via commercials...the BDM not getting an immediate sequel because of less than blockbuster box office...Dragon*Con being denied your presence because of sudden money-eating emergencies and bills...the hurt just keeps coming, doesn't it?


You'll be sorely missed and ever the more welcomed when you finally do attend, Roxy. That's just our way:D


Tuesday, June 26, 2007 7:24 PM


I (we!) were hoping to meet you at D*C, but we gots to do what we gots to do. *polite hugs* Maybe next year?

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 8:31 AM


Wow. I'm glad I woke up from this dream. Someone told me Roxy wasn't coming to D*C and so what's the point of going...Huh? Not a dream. Shut the F**K up! This is terrible. Terrible!

I will not only save up hugs, but will have a frowny drink on yer behalf sweetums. Just not fair...

Tuesday, June 26, 2007 6:22 AM


HUGS Roxy I completely understand...same thing happened to us ( I ened up taking a 3rd job to pay for it,) HUGS and we will miss you darlin and we will take a ton of pics

Monday, June 25, 2007 12:12 PM


Nooooooo! Aw, honey, I'm just as sad as you! You were way up there on my list of folk I wanted to meet!! :(
Stupid mean evil nasty surprise bills of doom and glowering nastiness...

Monday, June 25, 2007 10:02 AM


..I know how bummed you are & I'm so sorry..but I do hope you'll consider coming back to Little Falls to meet up again !!!

Monday, June 25, 2007 8:34 AM


As a fellow bummed Browncoat all I can do is hope you the best of luck for next year. I'm already saving in a super secret hidey place. I'll throw in a hug or two for ya.

Monday, June 25, 2007 8:27 AM


So sorry we won't meet you in person. I hope your misfortune is soon over, fixed, and paid for.


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