
Just responding
Saturday, July 7, 2007

Wow. I seem to have ruffled a few feathers with my last blog, which was - in all honesty - just me letting off a little steam. But somehow I feel the need to take a few moments to respond, particularly as some of the comments have made me reassess a couple of things, such as why I am writing, and who for.

This is easy. Me. I write for my own pleasure, but as part of that pleasure is letting other people read what I’ve written and seeing their reactions, then I’m writing for you too.

Would I continue if there was no option for comments to be left? Probably, but that’s by no means a certainty. Feedback is very important, throughout real life as well as on these pages. And, oddly enough, it had occurred to me that not everyone would like my take on the ‘verse, for whatever reason. If we all liked the same things, it would be a cold and sanitised world we live in, where the height of entertainment would be reality TV shows. And we would all enjoy them. Forever.

When I started uploading, I made the conscious decision to stick with the OCs I created. For me, no matter what Joss Whedon series you look at, he doesn’t just continue with the same characters all the time. New ones enter, die, get absorbed into the gang … And although I am in no way comparing my scribblings with his, his stories are a continuous arc, with characters growing and changing. So what’s good enough for the Master had better be good enough for me!

I understand that other authors don’t work like this. Which is fine. When I sample stories from the archives, sometimes I come across writers who‘ve killed off a major character in one arc, then gone to another story where they’re still alive. And I’d enjoyed these stories too. I’m not going to stop anyone doing that.

I began writing Firefly fanfic because I love the show, and I wanted to see if I could get the written word to sound the same as it does in my head. And no, I’m not crazy. Least, not yet. I’d not put myself out for public comment before, and I found there were a lot of people in this community who were encouraging of me as a new writer. I’m going to be eternally grateful to them, and try to do the same for other new authors.

As for my OCs, I accept that a lot of people feel Freya is a Mary Sue. But I’m not sure why I should apologise for this. For whatever reason I introduced her (not least from the belief that Mal and Inara would never have ended up together, not without some serious character development) I liked her, and she allowed my storyline to develop. There have been plenty of opportunities for me to move her on, kill her off … despite the fact that when I’d appeared to be heading in that direction I’ve had other comments asking me not to, so I must be doing something right! I haven’t, though, because I care too much for Mal. He may be a fictional character, but fiction has to be grounded - at least to some degree - in reality, and to do that would damage him too much. Besides which, this is fiction, and it’s my fiction!

I’m not asking everyone to like my story. I’m not asking for everyone who reads to comment. But I’m not going to apologise for wanting them. I love comments. They inform the characters, and give me ideas. And of course it’s great to know someone else loves my tale, and I get to bask in that gentle glow.

Am I going to stop writing? I don’t know. At the moment I have a lot of ideas. Am I going to go back and not have Freya, Ethan, Hank or Bethie? No. And no apologies for that, either.

If you think this is another rant, then I’m sorry you feel that way. I just figured you should know a little of what goes on inside my head. These blogs seem to carry all sorts of messages. I happened to ask a particular question. Maybe more fool me. And you all have your own opinion. Which is also fine. Hell, in this life if we can’t live and let live, what can we do?


Friday, July 13, 2007 5:38 PM


Feedback's a funny thing, I find. You could get tons of it...but it's short, vague and only seems to stroke one ego. You could have only a couple of comments per post...but they could be massive novellas of constructive criticism. I personally try and give at least one bit of detailed praise or criticism about each thing I read, if only to give the author a basic direction to take when considering the need to make changes to their stuff.

I think part of the problem is that those who comment and/or comment regularly - like my ownself - tend to be your cheerleading section. We offer up all the warm and fuzzies but without the balance of criticism where you've taken a misstep or two. The problem is that people who aren't into your stuff - don't like OCs, prefer material set within the timeframe established by the series and movie, enjoy drabbles over epics, etc. - generally are not gonna comment. Either because you're dismissive of their POV or they see no reason to expend a couple of minutes talking about something that didn't ring their bell. Which is damanging in the long run, since you're losing out on the negative that give you a scale to rate all comments. That and enough criticism of a constructive nature would probably cause you to take a look at how you do business so that you could potentially branch out in the future and earn some new fans;)


Sunday, July 8, 2007 8:12 AM


OK, so I stopped by again and saw that what I said before was a little passive-aggressively catty... oops! I really wasn't ruffled by your last blog, but I guess this one did me in. I must explain.

So, I feel like you are largely responding to me with this, since mine was the most critical response to your last blog and I was the one who brought up the Freya issue. Thing is - and if you go back and check you'll see this - I didn't say that you should write anything different but what you do, or - good lord! - that you should apologize for it. (Where did you get that? I would never suggest that anyone apologize for what they write!!) I think I've always been clear that what I say to you is only my opinion - but that is what you asked for, whether you intended to or not.

What I meant to express was that how you respond to feedback may be a reason you don't get as much as you'd like, and, frankly, this blog strengthens that impression for me. You know the Golden Rule, right? How would you feel if someone asked you to please, please post a fic...and then you did and they said "Well, actually, I'm not at all interested in what you have to write and didn't really mean to ask you for anything." That's just not encouraging for future communications, is it?

Now, I compare this to an exchange I've had with another writer. I told her way back that what she writes isn't my thing. She's also told me that she can barely get through some of my stuff because the subject matter doesn't interest her. And yet - somehow, we've talked our way through our differences and now we've got a little proof-reading exchange going. It's broadening for both of us, and actually working quite well because we fill in each other's weaknesses. The thing I stress - I still write what I write. She still writes what she writes. It's really okay that way!

I could see reaching the same point with you, because you are a talented and imaginative writer. Thing is, I need more than a "I wasn't interested in what you think anyway " when I share my honest opinion. Which is kind of what I get out of this blog. It doesn't make me want to put much effort into getting to know your stuff better. Not trying to be bitter here - this is just a basic fact of life. Do unto others, reap what you sow, etc...

I know, you're probably not interested. But you went to some length to explain what's in your head, thought I should return the favor.

Sunday, July 8, 2007 4:07 AM


My feathers aren't ruffled, darling! I'm just fine and dandy - I left you honest feedback because you asked for it. ("Basically, I'm asking - nay, pleading - if you think I'm going wrong, tell me.") If you saw that as some sort of attack on your fic-writing person... well, that's really happening on your end.

And if you didn't really mean to ask for what you asked for... well, never fear, I won't take any such request from you seriously in the future! :)

This is the thing I'm wondering: would you really enjoy writing in a little black hole of you you you you you? Isn't the communication of ideas and emotions part of the fun? The whole community thing, and discovering new stuff through what you hear from your betas and readers? Doesn't that make it - to use one of my beta's fun terms - more than fic writing masturbation?

Whatever. Go! Write! Have fun in whatever way you choose! As you say, that's what it's all about!

Saturday, July 7, 2007 3:51 PM


But we didn't know it was you letting off steam. You posted wanting an answer, and you got many - I think, even some you probably didn't want to hear.

I don't think anyone told you to not write something. People just gave you opinions based on what you wrote in the previous blog.

You're free to dismiss what you didn't want to hear at your own leisure, and continue to defend how you write and why you write it if you want.

Some people will read and some won't. Everyone's got their likes and dislikes, but you seem to do a lot of defending of why you write something. I'm not suree how it will change opinions or make a difference. People like what they like and if you don't write what they like, they won't read:)

Saturday, July 7, 2007 12:50 PM


I don't write fanfiction, nor am I that familiar with your work because I tend to read only plot driven fic, with canon pairings (I find my security in Joss's verse). I can't make any judgments on your OCs being Marysues or not. I do agree with you, that everyone is entitled to his or her spin, on the verse, especially post BDM.

From what I can gather, Inara has left your verse. You've chosen to write a new and more appropriate mate for Mal. Fine, I understand that...sounds like fun. But, I would miss Inara.

When I first started watching Firefly, I didn't know what to make of Inara. She's just a spacehooker. What a horrible way to write a postmodern female main character. But over time, strangely, she has become one of my favorite characters... maybe because she was unfortunately underdeveloped and is now grossly misunderstood, so I get what I want from her.

Most of us are not a genius killer women like River, or a gifted mechanic like Kaylee, or a kick ass cool ex-Browncoat like Zoe. And I much as I love to live vicariously through these lovely ladies, LOL, I'm probably more like Inara in reality than not.

As I understand her, (from canon) Inara is an independent working gal, from the core, who studied hard, to be trained in a skilled profession. She obviously had some success in order to be considered for a top administrative position and is respected by her peers (Nandi). Somewhere along the way she was over looked and life took an unexpected turn for her. She ended up in the shuttle seeking solace in freedom and thus became a major romantic foil for Mal. God! I freakin love you Joss.
Because, they are the exact same, but NOT... like magnets or batteries.

Inara is kinda like my "Alice in Wonderland", out in the black. She reacts like I would, an "earth that was girl". Joss hasn't killed her or replaced her yet (crosses fingers) and I think if he did I would miss her most. She is a unique character, in all the verse.

You can write her off or not, I'm just giving you my spin.

Saturday, July 7, 2007 4:19 AM


You are a wonderful writer and a joy to read. The fact that so many people can be so passionate about Firefly is a testament to its creator. But people also get passionate about their own view of this creation, and what doesn't match their expectations is not accepted. I know I'm that way and I dont't have the vested interest of being a fic author.

Your writing has always been good, but keeps getting better all the time. I look forward daily to your work and am always amazed at the sheer volume of ideas you generate. That is a gift to be treasured and used. No one ever knows why they're given a particular gift, but know for certain that gifts are always meant to be used.

So please keep on creating. If it comes naturally and gives you joy, then trust that it's the right thing for you to do. It certainly gives me a lot of joy, too!

Saturday, July 7, 2007 3:36 AM


Maybe, when Freya as a character first started off, there were aspects of Mary-Sue. Certainly not the entire character, but aspects. It's a problem, I suspect, that every new writer to any 'verse has to overcome.

But as the character (and I'm not just refering to Frey here, but all your OC's) and the arc you've developed progresses, these have been (in my opinion) well and truly ironed out. To me, in your take on the 'verse, Freya and Hank are crew. There's no if or buts about it. They're ingrained. And they are as fallible as anyone. They have faults, and stengths and weaknesses, and we've been exposed to them. And I for one love them.

I find the idea that Freya is still Mary-Sue laughable, frankly.

I find the idea that Hank is merely a Wash-clone just as ridiculous.

I don't usually go for fics with OC's in them. I read them, sure, but they don't interest me nearly as much as others.

Maya in an exception. I love it. I love Freya, I love Hank, I love Bethie and Ethan. I love that Mal and Freya are together, and I love that Zoe and Hank are togther. Hell, I even love the Rayne. And I love the idea that Inara left. It fits, because it's real.

Damn, I wish I could write like you.


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