
Two down, five to go
Friday, July 13, 2007

Hey All

I am now past week two of a seven week Spanish 110 course. While some of it is sinking in, at this point I just want to pass with a 51% or over so I can get the credits.

I want it to be August 20th, so that I can take the final and be done with it. After that, it's all downhill from here. I know I bitched about it in a previous blog, but I don't think anyone read the last one.

Who here has survived taking a language class?



Saturday, July 14, 2007 6:36 AM


Me? Second year of high-school French, going on third. I just kinda love the language, though, so it's probably that. If you're interested in the language, or watch your favorite television show in that language (Firefly and Serenity both come in Spanish. You could watch that, though you might not understand much: I still don't get much out of watching those in French. *shrug* IF nothing else you'll be exposed to words and accents).

Hope this helps...


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