
Reflections On My First Two Weeks as a Member
Friday, July 27, 2007

Wow! Been an exciting two weeks. Uploaded my stories I've been writing, some pics too, got my hands slapped a little for causing a flood, heard lots of nice comments from fans who enjoy my stuff. Has it only been two weeks since I joined this site? Seems like forever.

Lessons learned so far:

1. Don't add more than one item per day..or week. Seems I didn't follow the unwritten rules (maybe they are written but I didn't see them). Ticked off a few fans out there. Didn't like it, but maybe I deserved it. They peck hard around here!

2. Don't expect a lot of comments. I have had quite a few, and most have been nice, but I thought there would be more. The most comments I got were for the above mentioned transgression.

3. Not everyone's fanfic follows the logic of the TV show or movie. Some are just down right creepifying. Jayne and Kaylee? Even Jewel Staite said in her latest blog on her myspace page that that one made her want to barf.

4. Take your time writing and editing things. I tried to post a few things too hastily after writing them. When I read them on the site a few days later I found lots of mistakes and things I wanted to change. Thankfully, this site allows authors to edit their work, which is fantastic.

5. Take a break from this site once in a while. I've found myself logging on three, four, five times day. It ain't healthy. Meaning I have a job, family, and other things to do and this thing takes a lot of my time. Like writing this blog. Hmmmmm. Why did this show ever get cancelled? Gets under your skin.

That's it for now. I really do have to work, to get money, to pay the bills, to plan my assault on Fox Studios HQ...oops, did that slip out! Long live the Browncoats!


Saturday, January 12, 2008 10:21 PM


thanks for the advice,never knew that,probably head in the clouds still

Saturday, August 4, 2007 1:49 AM


Hehe, yeah the flooding thing oes get to some people. It's just that, once your post has left the main page, people are gonna view it and comment on it unless they are looking for it. So if someone posts a lot then it pushes everyone elses work off. The general rule is to only have one of your posts on the main page at a time.

But don't listen to people being mean about it, if you didn't know, you didn't know, no biggie.

And as for comments, yeah, they do dwindle, but I think you'll find that if you keep posting quality work like you are now, you'll become a bit more 'established' and you might get a few more comments.

Hope so anyway, :D


Friday, July 27, 2007 4:38 PM


CBSteve, as you get used to the rules, you'll have less pecking, I'd wager.
Usually folks just tell you stuff and then go on about their business. There used to be more comments cuz there used to be more folks. Folks are scarcer and quieter than they were.

It's good to have you and your shiny stuff with us though. I hope you'll feel at home and be happy here for a long time.

Slash fanfic is a bit creepifying huh?
And I'm not much for what isn't canon.
I'll have to give your stuff a read. :)

As for not logging on and checking in... I find that impossible to do. I don't have to do it as much as I used to, and my real life has returned to the most important position in my life ( I was very busy online last summer ) but this is my home. I could no more come here than I can not go to my own home in real life.

Did you get a browncoat from me when you arrived? I've been a mite behind on my duties of giving folks a browncoat (virtual )and I mighta missed you.
Let me know. ;)

Friday, July 27, 2007 4:12 PM


5. Take a break from this site once in a while. I've found myself logging on three, four, five times day. It ain't healthy. Meaning I have a job, family, and other things to do and this thing takes a lot of my time. Like writing this blog. Hmmmmm. Why did this show ever get cancelled? Gets under your skin.

Are you kidding, coming to this site keeps me sane! Probably 'cause I don't like the real world, and I don't have anything more important to do, which is kinda sad if you're me.

HEAR HEAR, Long live the Browncoats!


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