
FicPimping Alert
Monday, August 27, 2007

Been playing in the threads a while, and the ideas are starting to crowd around and jump up and down with bright little shiny faces and piteous cries for attention...

I've been trying to write in the Real World, where they actually pay you cashy money for it, but I'm hitting blockage at present. Guess that's a punishment for being away from all you shiny folk for so long.

So. Conjure I'd best get some of the disparate ficlings corralled up, branded with a li'l SpaceAnJL weirdness and then let loose to roam.

I'm rewriting a very big sprawl of stuff. It didn't quite work properly, so I'm dismantling it for parts. Basically, I'm trying to write the follow-up to 'Zen...' but I also have some random caper-style goodies which need their own playpen. So, the good news is that I have quite a lot of words written up. Bad news is that they are a little scrambled in the brainpan at present.

But stick with me here. Some of the stuff I can see on the back of my eyelids really needs to be shared with an audience. Preferably the type who like a little snark with their warm and fuzzies, and appreciate the very best violence.

After all, I've been re-reading Gibson, Herbert and Gaiman, digging through the music collection and watching some quality wu xiao. *cracks knuckles* I've been out of the BSR too long. Too many young pretenders to the Throne of the Queen of Crackfic.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007 2:32 PM


Yaay! I've been twitching in withdrawl over in the corner there.

Monday, August 27, 2007 11:56 AM


I like snark more than warm fuzzies:)

Monday, August 27, 2007 8:33 AM


OOH I can't wait:)

Monday, August 27, 2007 7:13 AM


Been whiting for some good Jayne for a while. I think you're the one to oblige!


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