
OMG it is so funny
Monday, October 8, 2007

So the AH has filed to modify the child support because #1 is now 19 - and in his suit he has requested that because he had to hire a lawyer to go to court to modify the agreement - I should pay for said lawyer!

Oh its so funny! I have laughed so hard my stomach hurts!

What an idiot.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007 2:08 PM


Sending out a karmic bitch slap for you.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 8:47 AM


I almost pooped myself out of manical disbelief. What a little bitch. Bitches should be smacked soundly and accordingly. Point me in the right direction and I'm sure to get video of the grand moment. Death is too grandiose for his sort.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007 4:04 AM


yeah that was my favorite part...the bit where you should be responsible for all his legal costs because he wants to pay less child support...'cause we all know once they reach 18 , your job as a parent is done and they don't need food, clothing, shelter, or to have help paying for college or anything.... Seriously I still think we should kill him as an example to the others.

Monday, October 8, 2007 4:33 PM


Will his stupidity never end?


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