
Okay, sorry about this, but....
Thursday, February 7, 2008

....I can't clench my teeth any harder. My apologies to the Rayne-folk. I love you all like the Browncoated kinfolk that you are to me, but....

The past several months especial, I've tried on and off to read more fanfic. Here, on LJ, on Firefly's Glow, many a place. But nine times out of ten, I can't hardly get past the first chapter. Why? 'Coz before the first chapter's over, SPLAT - Rayne-drop ftl. Sends me reeling and backpedaling. Nothing personal to any particular author, the entire concept makes me just plain fracking sick.

So - I really want to read more fanfic but can't seem to find anything really good that's non-Rayne (except for a couple of authors, literally a couple, whose work I've enjoyed immensely). Any suggestions? Anyone? Please? Pretty please with strawberries on top?


Friday, February 8, 2008 6:13 AM


Rants are ok. :) You'll probably find that many people here feel the same as you. I'm with M4P as the only fic I'm reading right now is Homespun's. Well written and just a great character piece for Mal and Simon (not as a couple).

People have their fantasies, and write about them. Whether it be a character we know and love with an OC (which I don't read either) or character pairings we didn't see in the show. People write what they want. It would be nice for them to mark the stories up front (of course not a requirement, just kind) so those of us who don't want to read them don't bother with the story at all.

I'd go for Mal4Prez, Screwthe Alliance, Homespun. There are very FEW out there who write really GOOD plot and character driven stories where the pairing isn't the focus. Those above are the three best I can think of right now.

Friday, February 8, 2008 1:40 AM


My Schism/Resurgence stories are mostly horror, and River-centric, but the rest of the crew have their moments throughout. It's the first fan fic series that I ever wrote.. Schism part 5 is my personal favourite though. I started to get into my stride as a writer. It's 13 PAGES of action, tension, surprises and one liners. I uploaded it on the original release date of the BDM before Universal shifted it to September.

Once 'Resurgence' kicks in, I start to write 5 page chapters. Resurgence 2 is just the most brutal and realistic thing I've written, that took me well outside my own comfort zone, but it packs an emotional punch, so it's not mindless horror. I'm really proud of that chapter. There isn't a story of its kind on this site. Noone else has dealt with the subject matter,(When you discover the content, you'll see why.)

The kind of horror that I write isn't full of gore or blood for the sake of it. (Which is the consensus for horror stories.) I try to make my 'gross out' moments relevant, and focus on the emotions of the characters.

Dealing with your own sanity before and after a horrific incident, is far more terrifying than those 'boogeyman' moments.

'Broken' deals with Kaylee losing her blood innocence.

'Bound' is a comedy series that I really need to return to.

There's a Doctor Who/Firefly crossover in my archive, that's not listed in that blog. It was the most fun thing to write, and the most challenging. The Firefly 'verse and the Who verse blend together really well.

Anywho.. Thought I'd recommend some of my stuff. It's pretty underground here, but scores an average of 9/10.

Thursday, February 7, 2008 4:42 PM


I know how you feel about the Rayne'ship fics. I read them sometimes (though, not many of the fanfics lately), but when I go back to the cannon works, it becomes abundantly clear how much River and Jayne detest each other!

Thursday, February 7, 2008 3:18 PM


Steamer, you already know my opinion on River romances with crew members (LOL).

There is also a new poster, here, named snufkin (good, but dark) that so far is Rayne free.

Thursday, February 7, 2008 2:45 PM


Steamer, I’m revisiting the fanfic I had before the big BSR crash of 07. I had many but I’m only putting 2 stories back up. The first is called BOOK2 and it’s a 6 parter. I’m just starting with Book2:Chapter1 and have no worries there are no shippers in my fics. Just scheming and dreamin (of getting rich that is) so leaving now to reintroduce the first chapter. If-n any browncoats remembers the fic I hope that you enjoyed it. If you’re new here and like reading fanfic I hope you’ll get it a read.

See ya,Z

Thursday, February 7, 2008 2:37 PM


Well, I can confirm that abbeygirl's Just a Touch series doesn't have any rayne, or indeed, any pairing going on in there. I'm pretty sure wytchcroft and mal4prez don't have rayne in them, since they seem to be people of good taste :) Beyond that, I'm afraid I can't really help much. :(

Thursday, February 7, 2008 11:55 AM


I feel the pain. Just add the authors to a mental banlist and it almost gets slightly better.

But to ease some of the pain, Steven Brust (apparently a New York Times best selling author...) has released his fan novel and I can confirm it does not contain Rayne.

Thursday, February 7, 2008 11:00 AM


Raylee? Rinara?

*head spins... I slink away fearfully...*

I feel your pain Steamer. Sadly, I have little to suggest. Homespun's Down the Rabbit Hole is the only fic I'm really following right now. It's quite good, and *shocker* not centered on romance.

Thursday, February 7, 2008 10:50 AM


I saw a couple of Raylee, and Rinara 'ships if that's of interest to you. I've also seen cannon pairings of Malnara.


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