
Shinin' the Light of the
Monday, February 11, 2008

So there I is at the L.A. Chinatown New Year's Festival co-manning the Islam book stall thang and practicing my restaurant-quality Chinese whenever possible, and the guy in the next booth -- college kid -- says he has to do a 7-pg paper on the Iraq war and wants some info on the Islam angle, etc. No problem. Plus he can read our books in Chinese which is shiny and jealous-invoking. So after some conversating, I give him my business card with email and websites, plus on the back I write the website for this fine site with the instruct to go watch "Firefly" -- he might like it cuz they cuss in Chinese. So who knows... might have us a potential convert to the 76th's ranks.

Stay Shiny & Keep Flying.



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