
Hubby's Hospital Adventure
Saturday, August 21, 2004


As you may have heard by now, I took my husband (Meoriar) to the ER on Thursday night for some abdominal pain and a fever over 100 degrees. He was diagnosed with acute appendicitis and admitted for surgery to remove the offending organ. He went into surgery yesterday (Friday) morning at 7:30 and came through very well. The surgery was done by laproscope, so it was much less invasive and will heal much more quickly. Actually, I was able to bring him home today, and he is resting and recovering better than expected already. He's on some pretty hefty antibiotics and pain relievers, but is doing well. He should be out and about again quite soon.

To those of you who found out about it through strange and unusual means (i.e., I didn't call you), I apologize. I spent Thursday evening getting Meoriar to the ER and then getting him admitted and ended up not going to be at all Thursday night, since his surgery was scheduled so early. I spent all day Friday keeping his brother and sister informed and cancelling plans that he and I had for the weekend - since I didn't know when he'd be coming home - between bouts of being present for him and waiting for the doc to show up and give us the post-op run-down. With all this, by the time I actually got home Friday night and had the time (and a couple of brain cells free for e-mail writing), it was incredibly late and the roomies were down for the night, leaving me with no access to my e-mail. (Thank you to Mercury in Retrograde for "helping" me out in the comms department this weekend... *note sarcasm dripping from that last*)

To everyone who has offered their love and support, thanks ever so much. (And please keep it coming... he's still got a little ways to go...)

My posting/e-mailing/communicating via computer is likely to be highly erratic until he gets a little more settled into a routine and is well on the road to healing, so if you write and don't get response as fast as normal, please bear with me.

Thanks again for all your thoughts and well-wishes.



Monday, August 23, 2004 2:57 PM


Still sending those healing thoughts and prayers your way!


Monday, August 23, 2004 4:25 AM


Thanks, HP. He seems to be heading down the quick recovery road. I'm taking him to the doc for his follow-up early Friday AM.

Sunday, August 22, 2004 9:05 AM


Hoping for a quick recovery for your other half Astriana.

Get well soon Meoriar


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