
Going with the flow..
Friday, April 18, 2008

I've been dabbling in my artwork, after a fairly long hiatus. Digital photography tends to encompass my life a lot at the moment, but sometimes a good old fashioned pencil sketch can purge a stressed system than a digital camera. And, it seems to have done the trick.

My creativity appears to be clicking into place on a lot of levels lately, and I'm grateful to find that balance once more. That feeling has been lost for a loooooong time. A lot of windows on a creative level, appear to be opening right about now. Or, it's a simple case of finally attaining the drive to push myself into broader areas.

Either way, it feels good.

The UK's leading sci-fi magazine, SFX, are gearing up for their annual short story competition. The contest is in its third year, and I'm determined to churn out a piece of original fic. In the past, I've always wanted to contribute, but the ideas have never flowed.

The first couple of hundred words have already been typed out. My original idea for a story initially started out as a running joke, (because the example I gave in conversation, was totally ridiculous. Let's just say 'reclamation workers on the moon.') Although, that wacky concept is now something that I'm focusing on for real. The deadline for entries is the beginning of June, so I'm beavering away on that as much as possible.

Anywho... This is what I've been doodling away on since yesterday. A finished version will appear in a future blog very soon:


Friday, April 18, 2008 2:30 PM


Shiny work !

Friday, April 18, 2008 7:10 AM


free flow of ideas is always such a lovely feeling.

gorgeous picture btw, great drawing!


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