
Monday, April 21, 2008

Ugh.. The issue of exposure is always a tricky one. As a Deviantart addict, I've heard countless stories of people's artwork getting pinched and plastered all over the net. Also, people's images being used as promotional posters for gigs.


Every now and then, I carry out a google search, to see if any of my work has landed on some random obscure site. Copyright is important. My sis produces her own music, and has faced problems, when her vocals or tunes have been banded around various Myspace sites without her permission.

My work has never really gained much acclaim online. I've been pretty safe over the last four years, (since I began to upload stuff), tucked away in some corner of obscurity. Now, I find one of my pieces of artwork on this site:

Granted, it looks official, and I should be punching the air with glee. (In part, I think that it's cool.) I've made it onto an official site. At the same time, I feel kinda violated.. I was never approached, and never gave my permission.

I guess that I'm a bit miffed, because I'm not too hard to get ahold of online. If one were to google my username, then it would link to various other online galleries, and to my profile here. I have contact details displayed on my profile on this site.


Anywho.. I'm going to register to this Terminator Wiki, and slap my official approval on it.

Wish me luck.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 3:52 AM


Thanks for the kind feedback Citizen and Zzetta.

I registered with the Wiki site, and made some changes straight after posting this blog. (I discovered that members could edit the content of the pages, and made the appropriate edits.)

I made a few edits to keep things fair. :) Basically, I added the 'posting approved by the original artist' blurb. Originally, it had been cited the image was taken from a google search.)

I also added a wee link back to my Deviantart profile where the artwork is showcased. (Just to keep things right in my own head.) ;) The last person to edit the page is myself. (Shown at the bottom.)

I agree with your comments Zzetta. It's very easy for folk to just lift other people's work, and there's not much that can be done. I'm glad that it was this kind of situation and nothing far worse. I'm grateful that someone included it on the site.

It seems that my work gets noticed more when I'm not promoting it myself. That's a developing trend. This was a backchannel approach. Hahahahaha.

It's cool to have work showcased like that, but a bit of a pain when it isn't linked back to the person who spent the time drawing it. Hehehe.

Like I mentioned in the blog, I'm fairly east to track down on the net. An email would have been simple enough. That's all that really bugged me. Hehehe.

I totally agree Citizen. The art is deriviative works. I'd forgotten about that detail. **Blush.** But, yeah.. I'm glad that it's up there, and now where it's linked back to me in a fair manner. I have no plans to make money from my fan art. Just want a wee bit of credit where credit's due. :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008 2:45 AM


That’s a great looking picture of River CF.
The writing does say used with permission or something to that effect. Anyway truth of the matter is this question comes up all the time on an art site I belong to and I don’t think anyone gets into trouble with fan art unless trying to reproduce it for vast amounts of cashy money. The creator is the copyright holder (ie…the makers of TSCC) and like was stated already a fan piece here and there is just free advertisement for them.

I understand your feeling happy and violated at the same time. I guess the best way to look at it is that you’ve inspired someone with your art so they placed it in an honored position. It’s good to be creative but we must face a truth, if you put it up on the Internet, if someone likes it, they can take it. Unless you have tons of money to keep folk from doing it, it will continue. That goes for writing, music, art and anything.

I guess finally what I could say is, enjoy having you picture on the TSCC site. It’s a very good picture and lots of people are getting to see it. If the “poster” didn’t get your permission, they should have.


Tuesday, April 22, 2008 12:58 AM


Copyright is important, the only problem is you don't have it. I'm a member of a few sites, and we've been over this sort of thing there a few times. Even had some lawyers speak on the subject (they're quick to point out that it isn't legal advice, and that in reality they're just a guy on a forum, but I think their opinion may have more weight than a guy who knows someone in paramount honest). Point is, if you create an artwork based on a copyrighted work, such as Firefly or the Terminator or whatever, it's a derivative work. What that means is you don't hold the copyright on that work, the copyright holder of the original work you derived from does. In fact, technically they can sue you for deriving from they're work (of course I doubt anyone would be that stupid to sue they're fans for liking their show and promoting it free of charge).


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