
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Lately, my mind has been transfixed on this wee short story entry that I'm putting together for a sci-fi magazine. It seems that the plot and the characters consume every waking moment. Every word and sentence is under my own anal scrutiny, wonderin' if this piece of narrative is high quality.

There's a part of me that thinks: 'hang on, this isn't really healthy.' Yet, the other part of me knows that it takes a lot to motivate my muse, and that deadline is creeping ever closer. (The beginning of June.) An obsessive, rigorous approach to writing is required. This is no wee trip down fan fiction lane. I want this to be high calibre, as the level of writing is always very high in previous years. (The contest is now in its third year.)

Since Saturday, when I first put my ideas down on the screen, I've been struggling for a bigger idea. A secondary plotline as it were, that makes the story stand up to credibility. I've already got the premise, now I need the reason for writing it; something that makes the story memorable, and chills you to the centre of your being. For, the original notion was to lean towards my horror writing strengths.

Last night, before my head hit the pillow, I had a eureka moment. I'm not going to outline what it was here, but AT LAST, it feels like a whole load has been taken off now.. :D I can't wait to finish this thing, and email it to the magazine. I feel that it is thematically strong, and lends itself to realism. I was partly inspired by a real news article, but with a lot of creative ingenuity, the plotline has thankfully taken on a life of its own. I plan to make this as unique as possible. The threat of falling into cliché is always near.

Looking back to last night, simplicity was the key - not some over indulgent narrative that reads like a novel. 'True skill comes from less effort', as they say in Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. :) I'm a wee bit disturbed by my own thought process. Hehe..

Seriously though, I'm glad to have some direction in my story. It's a real buzz writing something that initially started out as a joke. Also, to watch a story take shape, and come to life from scratch. Now, the 'silly notion' doesn't feel so bad. It's been cool so far.

I just wanted to record the details of this writing process here..


Wednesday, April 23, 2008 1:38 PM


Hurrah Cos! You just gotta love those Eureka moments.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 8:40 AM


I always think better at night and I do the notebook thing too. Mostly, I use one or two words that will jog my memory in the morning. It seems to work well.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008 3:22 AM


I keep a notebook by my bed, so as not to lose some of the ideas that jump out of my subconscious late at night.

Of course, in the morning, some of it reads like River on a caffeine jag, but occassionally there's a gem.

I always find I have too many ideas, and have to edit rigorously.


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