
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Well, some of you might be wonder where in the hell I have been! The last log had something to do with it, but I was still planning on making an appearance now and then. This is a blog I posted on MySpace a bit back and it explains thing...

" I Am A Browncoat

And I wear that title with pride! Now lots of you already know what a Browncoat is, but for those who don’t here’s a quick and simple explanation. A Browncoat is a dedicated fan of the short lived TV show created by Joss Whedon called ’Firefly’ that also was turned into a movie called ’Serenity’. This blog though is not gonna go into detail of the show or anything along those lines, but it is to make something perfectly clear... I AM A BROWNCOAT!

Just recently as you all know, I’ve had a down grade in my time online. It was my own decision and I am proud that I have stepped up to my responsibilities. I have had a few people that have not been happy that my absence has made communication a lil less than usual. It’s understandable, I’d prolly be a lil pissed myself. But the one communication that left me feeling upset was a message I received from a frequenter at the Firefly fansite I am a member of. Without giving away names or going into detail, I was accused of "avoiding my responsibilities as a Browncoat" and therefore I am "not a Browncoat at all, but just a mere flighty fan that has hooked onto true fan’s coat tails"... Are you out of your mind??? Just ’cause someone doesn’t have every waking second to post on a fansite for their fav show that makes them any less of a fan? Also I was told that ’cause I haven’t been able to make it to Dragon Con I’m "a terrible example to the real Browncoats" and am "not trying hard enough to follow what it means to be a true fan"... Wow, I think someone is living in a lil fantasy world there. No, I don’t have enough money to go to Dragon Con or other Con’s to meet the cast and mingle with my fellow ’Coats. No, I don’t own every piece of memorabilia available. No, I won’t name my kids after the BDH’s. No, I don’t write endless fanfics. No, I don’t check the fansite every 5 secs to see who’s responded to my post. No, I can’t quote you every last line word for word or tell you what was displayed in exact detail on Jayne’s screen in ’Ariel’. Does this make me any less of a Browncoat? OF COURSE NOT!! A Browncoat isn’t the extent of your experience, your knowledge, your personal belongings. It’s who you are. I AM A BROWNCOAT and I’m proud to be. Who are you to tell me otherwise? Nothing, that’s what and how dare you try to put a label on who I am or am not just ’cause you think you are the all knowing authority. Take these final words to heart... GET A LIFE!

Well, I am indeed going to Dragon Con this yr, so that of course has changed, but it just really disappointed me that someone could be that self centered and heartless as to take someone's difficult situation and make it worse. No, I will not reveal the name of this tactless person, they know who they are. This just made me want to stay away. Now that I'm going to D*C I decided to suck it up and reconnect with everyone. I'd like to go and see all those faces I've been dying to meet for yrs now! And no, I didn't just come back to find a roomie. If I don't I'm fine with getting my own hotel room if need be. Just thought it would be nice to get back in the 'Coat swing of things and let someone's awful words and thoughts just roll off my back. I'm better than that. So anyhoo, I'm back and kicking bottom (hehe, obscure 'Red Dwarf' quotes are awsome)! Will be nice to get back to chatting with y'all, I've missed yas!


Tuesday, April 29, 2008 2:11 PM


Sits with SpaceAnJL on the less solvent couch....I consider myself a true fan even tho I can't own it all or do it all...don't let one opinionated grump rust your bolts....keep it shiny.

gentle journey,

Monday, April 28, 2008 3:25 PM


I'm so glad you get to go to D*C*, Roxy.
You'll have so much fun!

I'm so sorry someone made you feel that way. :( Once a Browncoat always a Browncoat -whether active in the fandom or just out there waiting for something to come back. Participation is a joyful option not a requirement. :) Obsession is unhealthy. Sometimes some BC's can get a little carried away with the "crazy stuff" and I for one am grateful for fans like you. Life and fandom are two different things. :-)

Monday, April 28, 2008 10:07 AM



Some people are so special... Good to have you back!

Monday, April 28, 2008 8:39 AM


Welcome back!

Wow. Some peeps can be a bit obsessive, no? Just because you have a life does not mean that your coat can't be of a brownish color.

I look forward to meeting you at D*C.

Monday, April 28, 2008 7:27 AM


Always glad to see ya about Roxy. Whenever someone speaks out of turn like that it is kind of angering but it is their opinion.

Naturally some opinions are crap.

F*** 'em and feed 'em beans. You are a true Browncoat and no one can deny you that.

Monday, April 28, 2008 6:32 AM


HUGS Roxy...I am offended on your behalf and on behalf of everyone who is a fan and loves/supports this show. What in hell is wrong with someone. Loving and being a fan of the show doesn't mean you devote your life to it to the exclusion of all else..that's unhealthy obsession and I am so sorry someone poured their obsessional crap all over you....HUGS and much loves and I for one can't wait to meet and hug you for real at Dragon Con. I am so incredibly glad you will be there, but if you aren't I will understand and love you just the same!!

Monday, April 28, 2008 3:52 AM


Welcome back. Hope you enjoy Dragon Con

Love the obscure red dwarf quotage :D

Monday, April 28, 2008 12:03 AM


Welcome back. Ignore the troll - I mean, granted I can be a bit obsessive on the quotes/fanfic writing, but I don't have the cashy money for con trips or memorabilia. I don't think that makes me less of a fan, just a less solvent Browncoat!

Sunday, April 27, 2008 11:00 PM


Nods head in greeting,Welcome Back.All i'll say is Good for You;)


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