
No, [i]This[i] Is What Going Mad Feels Like...
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Taking a few minutes out from RL to post a note...I've been (literally) half-blind from a migraine for the last couple of days, and have a jolly little intermittent nosebleed as well. Which is playing havoc with my writing.

As is the DIY Which Ate Our Lives. Gorram kitchen still isn't finished - I have not been able to cook properly for nearly six weeks now. Which is lovely research for the idea of long journeys and processed food, but pretty pants in reality.

At the moment, I feel a bit Riveresque, what with the way the walls keep moving. Reality has a certain fluid quality...anyhow, the deal is, I'm probably going to have to lurk away from the bright lights of the 'verse for a few days, until I can see straight. Usually, I use downtime to write longhand, but I'm not sure it's gonna be legible...Here's hoping.


Tuesday, June 10, 2008 2:56 PM


Blinding headache with attendant nosebleed is BAD!! BAD!!! BAAAAAAAADDDD!!!

Get thee to a doctor immediately if you haven't already!! (or at least call one and describe your symptoms... it's always fun to hear a triage nurse drop a phone!)


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