
Raleigh CSTS 08
Tuesday, June 24, 2008

So I know I haven't been around the 'verse as of late but my life has been incredibly insane and sad to say my time for FF got cut a bit...

I'm mainly posting this to gush about how WONDERFUL a time I had the previous two nights at Raleigh's CSTS event! This was my first time going and I'm hoping I'm close enough next year to be able to come again but I had a blast! I got to meet so many shiny Raleigh browncoats and put some faces with the names I've talked with on here. I'm hoping we raised a ton of money (I know I sold a bunch of raffle tickets!) and just wanted to thank everyone who volunteered with me and just came out and made it such a shiny event! Oh and a BIG thanks to Flame who - well pretty much is the shiniest person ever because she organized the whole Big Damn Event!

There was a really special moment for me that happened last night and just really made me smile. I had been selling tickets for both nights' raffles and there was this one woman I met the first night and her boyfriend told me that she was new to the 'verse. Well I saw her again the second night and we talked a bit and at the end of the night she asked if she could give me a hug. Of course I said yes and she said to me 'thank you for making this so special for me'... I was really really touched!

Anyways I'm out for now - I leave for my other favorite 'verse tomorrow (Disney World) and I've not packed at all... go figure

Hope everyone is having a shiny summer! Catch ya round the 'verse :)


Tuesday, June 24, 2008 9:10 PM


Hey, don't forget Peter Pan.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 5:36 PM


I loved seeing all of you too! Flame did a fantastic job and everyone else also.

BTW I was the other raffle ticket seller Sunday night and I also enjoyed working with you.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008 5:04 AM


Oh. Emm. Gee. It *was* so much fun, wasn't it?? ;D

Have fun at Disney World, and don't forget your sunblock!


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