
In Which the Steamer Thoroughly Sucks at Life
Friday, July 18, 2008

Try to do something nice for everybody, come to find everybody giving it a thumbs down. Try to make life easier on one person and just end up making it harder both on them and on someone else. Try to use your initiative and come to find nobody needed or wanted it and you should have just parked yourself and stayed the hell out of the way.

O me, O life, how the hell much longer do I have to put up with you? How much more rain do you have to dump on me before the rainbow breaks? How many more times, life, do you insist on being a flock of pigeons in the park that take off and crap all over me in return for feeding you?

Best of all, O me, O life, how damned long do I have to deal with you and have no one to lean on?


Tuesday, July 22, 2008 7:21 AM


Steamer, you are an awesome guy, don't let other people's lack of appreciation get you down. We appreciate you!

Quoting singate here- "Maybe you should try giving these people a dose of indifference. Once they get a taste of that maybe they will begin to appreciate your altruistc endeavors."

And, just the fact that you tried, makes you a wonderful person, so don't be feeling like you did something wrong. You did absolutely the right thing, the thoughtful thing, and for some odd reason karma is just being a b*tch at you (or possibly all those people, you never can tell).

Monday, July 21, 2008 8:21 PM



Just thought I'd drop you a line to let you know that I'm still reading your story, but I fell a little bit behind and may have forgotten to comment (again). I shall rectify that situation soon.

Sorry to hear about life being suck-y. :(

Saturday, July 19, 2008 9:50 PM


Maybe you should try giving these people a dose of indifference. Once they get a taste of that maybe they will begin to appreciate your altruistc endeavors.

Saturday, July 19, 2008 3:19 AM


I'm sorry for whatever has happened. There is no pleasing some and people only truly change when it's to their own benefit. Unfortunately, we cannot control what other people will or will not do or say.

Yes, you got burned. The important thing is you put yourself out there for someone else. Already, that makes you a better person than most.

Given the previous comments here, there are them that appreciate you. Having seen your name pop up all over, I believe you must be a wonderful person, the kind that puts thems that need before yourself. That's your way.

I hope you won't let this experience get you down. There's always hope for a better day. In the meantime, “if you can't run, you walk. If you can't walk, you crawl. And if you can't do that, you find someone to carry you.”

Friday, July 18, 2008 4:32 PM


YOU are a sweetie so just relax. You tried and that's more than you can say about most people.

Friday, July 18, 2008 3:01 PM


HUGS's ok sweety. You tried to help. Than;s never a bad thing:) Even if it didn't go just as you wished, you did make the attempt which is more than most can say:) You're a good friend

Friday, July 18, 2008 2:18 PM


Don't try so hard. You're already a wonderful, special person. If you can't be happy with yourself first, you can never make anyone else happy. Also, you can never make anyone ever do anything - even catch the end of a rope when they're drowning. Hang in there - nothing ever lasts forever.


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